What Happens When Mark Is Stuck On Mars

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I would recommend this book to anyone who like adventures books. The purpose of this analysis is to explain the main points of the book. The intended audience for this analysis is anyone who want to know more about the book. The mode is the analysis.
Some main themes throughout the book would be isolation and perseverance. Throughout the whole book, Mark is stuck on Mars and has to find a way to survive by himself with no help anywhere near him. He does the impossible and survives months by himself isolated on Mars. Mark also has tons of perseverance. You can tell when he is forced to make himself happy at all times and pushes through everything because he knows one day someone will find him.
When Mark and his crew are on Mars …show more content…

There is no time place of when he is there they just tell us he is there for roughly two years surviving on his own.
Rising action The rising action of the novel The Martian occurs when Mark gets stranded on Mars and is forced to survive with minimal supplies. The rising action continues when he is desperately running out of food and NASA use a lot of money that they were supposed to use on other projects just to send Mark the supplies and food he desperately needs. While traveling in space the shuttle that was built to send him food and other supplies explodes and the plan that was formed to save their astronaut is ruined. So now with no food or shuttle coming Mark must use all of his skills and knowledge to be able to survive
The Climax in The Martian takes place when pathfinder, the communication device that Mark was using in order to talk to NASA has one of its wires fried and loses its capability to transmit messages over such extreme distances. This occurred when Mark was working on the rover to prepare it for his final trip on mars to the Ares 4 site when he set a drill he was using very close to Pathfinder without noticing and the wires from the drill touched Pathfinder. Since the drill was so much more powerful than Pathfinder the amount of electricity it transmitted when the wires touched was enough to cause the wires of Pathfinder to fry. Power traveled from the drill line's positive lead, through the work bench...and …show more content…

The crew was sent a message telling them that Mark was still alive and that he was surviving on Mars. The crew were then told that they could either come back home and leave Mark or turn completely around and go back and get him. In an anonymous vote the crew decided to go back and get him. This was a very dangerous move because it forced them to spend more than 500 days in space. They were forced to leave their families and friends and turn around to save their last crew member. Also, they had to receive a food shuttle automatically which once again went wrong causing 2 of the crew members to go out of the spaceship and get the shuttle

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