The Theme Of Teamwork In 'The Death Cure'

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Mattie J.T. Stepanek once said “Unity is strength… when there is teamwork and collaboration, wonderful things can be achieved.” However, some people don't like to or don't work well with others. This may work to a certain extent, but more than likely those people will find them selves stuck or having trouble doing something all by themselves. The Death Cure is definitely a must-read book that teaches a valuable life lesson that holds true even for today’s teenager: Teamwork is important. In The Death Cure, the author uses conflict to teach the importance of working together. For example, the author shows that Thomas had to work together with Brenda in order to escape the evil government group, WICKED, when Thomas says, “He’d been tricked …show more content…

For instance, working with others helped me to become a better musician. I knew it would be hard to learn of the new music that we were receiving; therefore, I had to work together with others in order to get better at each piece. I’ve gotten a lot better at reading music because I worked with others to learn new notes. I’ve learned that sometimes there are things that I'm not going to be able to do by myself and the only way way to accomplish them is to work with others. Furthermore, working with others has often helped me with some of my class work. Sometimes I don't fully grasp some of the things that we do in class and I reach out to other classmates in order to get a better understanding of it. Sometimes we have group assignments in class and in that case its really important to work together and communicate in order to finish the assignment. Although, sometimes I find it difficult to work with others because I am not the most sociable person. I know I'm not the only person with this issue because a lot of my friends are fairly quit people. Without a doubt, all teens can learn from the authors valuable lesson of working with …show more content…

This book will appeal to anyone who loves a lot of adventure and a lot of suspense. The author continuously adds suspense throughout the book. One example of this would be when Thomas says, “Thomas had to trust Newt. He had to do this for his friend, but curiosity burned inside him like a brushfire. He knew, though, that he had no time to waste. They had to get everyone out of the WICKED complex. He could talk to Newt more in the Berg—if they could get to the hangar and convince Jorge to help them.” This shows suspense because the reader is trying to figure out what Newt is not telling Thomas. This also builds suspense in the reader because they are trying to figure out why they have leave in such a hurry. The author also tries to convey a lot of adventure throughout book. One time when Thomas and the others experienced danger would be when, “He shifted again, looked back over his shoulder. Minho and Newt were each straddling a guard, beating the living klunk out of them. Jorge stood in between the Gladers, shooting his fiery Launcher in all directions.”. This shows a lot of adventure because its so exciting and so much is going on. It also shows a lot of adventure because Thomas and the others are all going through such a hazardous situation which is sure to bring the reader to the edge of their seat. Without a doubt, this story is one that will be loved by

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