What Does It Mean To Me Essay

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Dear young me,
You're likely to wonder where you're going or what you're going to do. You ask yourself if you graduated from college, if you found a job, if you’re doing what you like. You wonder how the years have treated you. If life is as incredible as we thought it would be? Surely is.
You want me to tell you how much you need to wait… but it’s your turn to live, so I’m not gonna tell you anything.
However, let's talk about the past, well my past and your future. Of everything that has brought us where you are. Let us take a moment to avoid forgetting the lived, the suffered, the struggled. I’m 30 years old now, I’ve been through that chapter where you need to detach from your comfort zone and start deciding for the things you want and …show more content…

Let nobody take away your desires and dreams, they are so great that you even doubt if they are really possible. They are. They all are.
Do not be afraid to fly high. Believe in yourself. No one but you can make you live your own aspirations. So do not impede yourself. It is up to you to reach them, you know that, sooner or later, you will succeed. So allow yourself to dream big, you will see, there will be no goal unattainable. It's simple, there are no dreams too big, only insufficient desires to strive. Strive to improve every day, to be a better person. Strive to love as you want them to love you.
Let your fears stay behind, do not stop you from living your life as you want. Do not let yourself be defeated by anyone, much less by yourself. It is not bad to have doubts, it is not bad not knowing what to do, what decision to take. The problem would be to make those decisions regardless of the outcome. Doubts are good, are the ones that make us live life the way we do. Don’t stop doubting, confront those doubts by taking risks. Just let it

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