Rita Dove

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Growing older can be scary, but that should not affect your journey in life. Throughout your life, you are going to go through many personal changes and these will shape you into the best version of yourself. Personal growth and change can truly be beneficial for the future. On May 21, 2016, Rita Dove delivered her commencement address to the graduating students of the University of Virginia, to showcase her message to students on how to navigate through their upcoming futures (SPEAKER, AUDIENCE, OCCASION, PURPOSE). Dove wants to provide general guidance for the graduates to take into account their new lives (CLAIM). Throughout the speech, Dove incorporates metaphors in her speech to convey her point (RHET). As she presented her speech, Dove worked to target her audience and …show more content…

The sense of eagerness is conveyed when Dove incorporates this metaphor into her speech. She yearns for all students to have strong intentions for whatever their outcomes may be after graduation. As mentioned, even when these students entered college they were hungry for knowledge, and now their schooling is over Dove wants them to “keep that hunger” and “stay curious” for what is to come for them (EVID). If there is no continuation of wanting more, then there may be little success in the future. Your motivation should never stop flowing. Furthermore, when using anaphora, it can aid the message that Dove is trying to present to her audience (RHET). Having those particularly meaningful words can help provide the understanding of what Dove wants students to see and hear. As repeated throughout the speech, the words “I wish you” come up multiple times (DOVE)(EVID). There is this wish for all graduates to have for their upcoming future. Repeating the statement can give viewers a better perspective on what Dove is presenting and how she hopes that there is a continuing fight to grow their

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