What Does Integrity Mean To Me

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To me integrity means being honest with myself no matter if someone is watching or not. An example would be when I am at work and I do my job no matter if my boss is watching or not. I am the same true person all the time and having integrity while doing schoolwork is very important. It is very easy to lose integrity while at school especially, when work gets overloaded and you are looking for an easier way to get back on track. By not being honest with yourself will only come back to hunt you later. Cheating and Plagiarizing the work of others is a great example of no integrity. I will practice writing with integrity every assignment that needs to be done because if I don’t take that approach, I will be only hurting myself in the long run. When I started school one year ago, I struggle with integrity. All I wanted to do was find the easy road for every class and every assignment. I was the person that did not contribute to my group, but still received the same grade. I looked for others to do my work and all I did was take the credit. My whole mindset was to get through as easy as possible and only cared about myself. …show more content…

Even though I was getting good grades at school, I was not learning as much and that came back to bite me. For me that was a reality check and knowing that something had to change, I decided that every class that I take integrity will be my number one goal. I was a different student, the one that took the tough road and worked for everything. During groups assignments I decided to take the leadership role and work the hardest to make sure everyone was working together to achieve our goal. I started going to tutoring on a daily bases to give myself a better understanding of what is expected of be at the end of the

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