What Are The Strengths Of A Sole Proprietorship?

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Different Types of Businesses
When considering to open a new business, there are different options you can choose from: a sole proprietorship, a partnership, and a corporation. This paper will explain the strengths and weaknesses for each option, which will help you decide which is the best option for you when deciding which type of business is best to open.
To begin, there’s a sole proprietorship. This is the easiest type of business to open, therefore, the most common. The following are the strengths of a sole proprietorship. With this type of business, you and the business are one in the same. If your business makes a profit, so do you. Even though the business may have a separate bank account from your personal bank account, you have the authority to spend that money however you choose to. This type of business gives you independence. You’re able to make business decisions on your own, without having to discuss with partners. You can schedule your own business hours and work days, decide if or when you’d like to grow the business, or take a vacation. You are your own boss.
With these strengths comes some weaknesses. With this type of business, it can only have one owner, therefore, you’re unable to bring anyone else into the business. Should something happen to you, for example you die, you’re unable to leave the business to someone else.
Therefore, when you die, so does your business. One of the main weaknesses is having to raise your own capital for the business. Some businesses may get loans from family members, but it’s just that, a loan. They are no way involved or part of the business. Another option for entrepreneurs is to apply for a bank loan. ...

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...tion process. Once your business is registered, you must obtain business licenses and permits.
Regulations vary by industry, state, and locality. Another weakness is the taxes, in some cases, corporations are taxed twice. They are first taxed, when the company makes a profit, and again when dividends are paid to shareholders. And finally, the additional paperwork that’s required to maintain the corporation. Corporations are highly regulated by federal, state, and in some instances, local agencies. As a result, there are increased paperwork and recordkeeping duties associated with this entity.
In conclusion, there are several types of businesses you can open. Each of them have their strengths and weaknesses. It’s important you review each of them to help determine which type of business will be best for you.

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