Game Station

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Game Station I have chosen to have a Game station because I have lots of games and I know a lot about them. Also my uncle has a game shop so I can get ideas of him. Task 2- Legal forms (1) Sole Trader A person who runs the business on his own also gets to keep prophet of business. Sole traders are normally small businesses, and by becoming a sole trader you risk lots of things, which makes you unlimitedly liable this means if your business is not going well the government can take away almost everything from you; your house, your car etc, all your goods and valuable things and invaluable, the owner has to pay for any losses made by the business. For example if you made a loss of say £5000 you would have to find someway of paying back this may mean selling your house your car anything. A sole trader runs an unincorporated business on his/her own. Sole traders are also otherwise known as sole proprietors. Sole traders are easy to set up. They can set up a business immediately. The sole trader structure is the most straightforward option. The individual is taxed under the Inland Revenue's Self-Assessment system, with income tax calculated after deduction for legitimate business expenses and personal allowances. A sole trader is personally liable for the debts of the business, but also owns all the profits. (2) Partnership a partnership is an association of two or more people formed for the purpose of carrying on a business. Partnerships are governed by the Partnership. Unlike an incorporated company, a partnership does not have a "legal personality" of its own. Therefore the P... ... middle of paper ... ...ould buy and about pupils interest. This enabled me to come to the conclusion that majority of the games will have to be of certain types. For example, second hand games, most pupils having a play station console, pupils preferring to rent or buy etc. There is no cause for alarm because, there will be rules to the games being sold as I have both parents and pupils interest at heart. By this I mean that all games will be categorised for suitability and according to age, education benefits, rent or buy scheme for affordability etc. Conclusion: I request that as the head teacher of Stratford school you support and recommend my proposal to the Governors and those concerned. I greatly believe that the school will benefit from my business proposal in terms of raising revenue for school use and pupil motivation.

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