What Are The Most Significant Challenges Essay

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3. The most significant challenge that I have faced so far is the need to cover living costs. This difficulty is still affecting my family and me, but I strive for balancing and improving the aspects of my life so that I can gradually overcome this challenge. It should be noted that it has also affected my academic achievement directly. I need to help my wife by sharing housework and taking care of our child who is two-years-old at present. In addition, I need to provide for my family by paying the bills and earning money to meet the needs of my wife and child. Due to the fact that the costs in America are higher than in my home country, I have to work more hours to ensure a sufficient level of living for them, and it is also the reason why I did not have a possibility to attain professional skills and an academic degree earlier. Through this experience, I have learned that family support, persistence to reach goals, and internal stimuli are the factors that can help resolve difficult life situations. My wife sacrifices a lot to help me achieve my goal of gaining a degree and encourages me to continue striving, despite the barriers that we face through residing in a foreign country. Therefore, it is my responsibility and duty to provide a better life for my family by reaching new heights in my academic and professional career. …show more content…

I have understood that meeting goals requires time and effort, and I do not have to feel ashamed if I do not achieve everything immediately. This experience has affected different aspects of my life since it has rallied my family so that we are very supportive and help each other to implement our dreams. In addition, it has developed particularly helpful skills in me so that I am not only aware of my goals but can also develop a plan to meet

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