Wedding Speech Delivered by the Groom

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Wedding Speech Delivered by the Groom

Well , what can I say, Thankyou for those kind words Alan

and I hope $20 was enough.

I recently read somewhere that a survey had been conducted

of things that people fear most, and top of the list above things like

spiders and heights, was the fear of standing up and making a speech in public.

I'm no different, suffice to say that this isn't the first time today I've

risen from a warm seat with a piece of paper in my hand.


Many people thought this day would never come. That I'd be

standing here making the speech of a Newly Married man, myself included.

Many people have also told me how lucky I am to be

marrying Jo, including Jo in fact.

But I would like everybody here, especially my new bride,

to know how lucky and proud I am to be standing here speaking to you

as her husband.


And so, for the very first time, I'd like to say, 'On behalf of my Wife and I'

I would like to thank you all for coming today and sharing

Our special day.

I know this is meant to be our day, but of course it

wouldn't be as special a day if it wasn't for our family and friends

being here with us, and I'm sure you'll all agree that we found the ideal

setting for this memorable occasion.

We would also like to thank you all for your cards, kind thoughts and wonderful gifts.


Tradition dictates that I now tell you an amusing stor...

... middle of paper ...

...would like to thank our little

Bridesmaids, Charlotte and

Lucy for doing such a great job today. I'm sure you'll all

agree they look

beautiful, especially in their bridesmaids dresses, which once

again Daphne

was kind enough to make.


Now, ladies and gentlemen please be upstanding and raise

your glasses in

a toast to Charlotte and Lucy

'The Bridesmaids'


Before I sit down I'd like to finish by reading a

quotation I came across a

couple of days ago, that I found very apt.

"Happy marriages begin when we marry the one we love,

And they blossom when we love the one we married"

With that thought in mind, I look forward to a wonderful

married life



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