Argumentative Essay: War Driving To Disney World

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¡§War driving to Disney World¡¨
Summer of 2004
War driving involves roaming around a neighborhood looking for the increasingly numerous ¡§hot spots¡¨ where high-speed Internet¡¦s access is free. What I found interesting was that the hacks were pretty basic and that most of the information on how to break into default systems, how to look for Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP) being enabled and other wireless steps could be found in a Google search.
My brother Carlos a ¡§full time computer geek¡¨ and I had decided at the beginning of the summer that we were taking the family to Disney but I wasn¡¦t going to take any downtime or a vacation per se. Instead, I would validate through ¡§war driving around an area with a laptop computer and an 802.11

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