Walkie Monologue

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The static noise of my walkie-talkie alarms the janitor a few feet ahead. He cocked his head and faced towards my way. I huddled behind the desk. The walkie-talkie released another sound. Now panicking, I try to shut it off. Oh no! The button is jammed! The janitor lingered into the nurse’s office. I slid the walkie-talkie across the room. Will he take the bait? The janitor followed after it, that’s a good zombie. I withdrew my pistol and crouch towards him. Wait, gunshots draw too much attention. I pull out my mighty katana, this will do. I closed my eyes and raised my weapon. With a quick slash, the janitor immediately dropped to the floor. Another battle won. I removed the set of keys from his trousers and grabbed my flashlight. Perfect,

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