Vulnerability Is Like A Smoke Screen Essay

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Vulnerability is like a smoke screen, in that we never see whats on the other side. We all put this smoke screen up in one way or another. I found Mrs. Brown's thoughts on vulnerability compelling, how it could be a tool or hindrance. Sometimes we need to clear the smoke and let people in to allow for a better relationship. Such as with a husband and wife for example. It's something about knowing someone else's deepest secrets that draw people together. It can also be used against us, many people have honed there skills at detecting vulnerability in others, and how to turn it against them. Picture a double paned window that you can see through. Could you say that you know the window inside and out? That is an example of someone who succumbed to vulnerability. This is a way for people to make better connections with others. Now take that same window, and out from the bottom comes the smoke. As it fills up, you no longer can see whats on the others side. This example, I believe better represents the majority of the world. The fear of someone knowing what is behind our proverbial smoke screen is a daunting thought. …show more content…

This has caused society to be drawn into its self, harming our ability to form relationships. This, I believe is why we see the divorce rate rising. We don't let our significant others into our soals anymore, we don't clear that smoke, we are no longer transparent. I found in my personal experience dealing with Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), that it wasn't until I opened up to my wife, allowed myself to be vulnerable that she could understand the things I was going through. It not only strengthened our rocky marriage, but it opened new lines of communication that would have forever been

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