Visionary Leadership Style

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To be an effective leader who can recruit, hire, support their staff, one must have various skills and leadership styles. Having a visionary leadership style is essential to all the components of an effective leader. When it comes to staffing, the leader should know how many staff members he needs for the building as well as planning to replace staff members who plan on retiring. Having a vision in mind, they would have a backup plan if a teacher decides to retire short notice. Being visionary also helps when hiring. The effective leader would hire someone who is qualified in more than one area so that they can be better unitized. They should also be supporting and coaching to their staff. As part of this function, the effective leader knows …show more content…

I have various leadership and skills many mentioned in the above description. As a future school leader, I anticipate having standard 6 as my priority as it managing school personnel. Retaining the current staff and hiring new ones requires a plan of action. This includes a committee of teachers to serve on a hiring panel. Not only does this allow the teachers to evaluate someone in their field, it also gives them a sense of value in the school. I would also have a plan in place for when staff members leave. This will be an excel sheet where I have access to all the staff certifications and years of service. I can plan for when anticipate retirements are going to take place and how I will replace them. To improve the current staff, I will make professional development meaningful. One way is to ask staff for ideas on what topics they would like to learn more about to improve their professional growth. Another way is to have professional development led by current teachers and have alternating programs during the day. Performing regular walkthroughs and observations is important to me as it gives me an idea of the whole school and each individual teacher. I can provide constructive feedback. Something I do in my class is to write feedback on posted notes and hand them to my students as they are working. I would use the same idea during walkthrough and post it on their desks. I will also ensure that I get as many teachers as I can to be involved in committees and events. This way the success is a team effort. I also would make sure my staff is aware of having a balance between life and work. Every once in a while, I would bring breakfast for the staff or even present the idea of holiday parties. These can be after school or just as a lunch

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