Decorating Kids Rooms: A Guide To Victorian Style And Design

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Decorating Kids’ Rooms: A guide to Victorian Style and Design. The Victorian era was a period of time that lasted between 1837-1901. This represented the reign of Queen Victoria over the United Kingdom and also showcases how the name of the era was actually derived. The beauty of this period was marked by its peace, prosperity and “refined sensibilities”. This was a time in history that saw individuals ignore rationality and linger on ideas of romance and mysticism. Of course, this brought about a great appreciation of art and led to the intricately detailed styles employed in architecture and design. These beliefs survived the passage of time and still inspire a new generation in the creation of style and design. Style. Victorian style …show more content…

Wallpaper is an excellent way to bring in a touch of Victorian style without spending a ridiculous sum of money to acquire it. You should consider floral features, eye-catching stripes or even solid block colors like white, beige, brown or pink. If you prefer something different, don't be afraid to try it out, it might just turn out to be exactly what your room needs. 2. Stencils are a stunning way of bringing in a sense of the Victorian era while still endeavoring to be subtle. It is quite simple to accomplish a professional look and if you decide you don't wish to purchase stencils, you can still make them. All you have to do to make your own stencils is photocopy your design onto a Mylar sheet, cut it up, tape it to the wall and then get to painting up a storm. 3. Decals are definitely an option if you are interested in being cost efficient. While the effect produced by decals may not be as grandiose as others, they can still provide you with a beautiful Victorian effect. 4. If you desire something over-the-top and incredibly detailed, you may want to consider hiring a mural artist. This actually allows you to create stylized ceiling décor as well. Though not necessary, ceiling décor is indicative of the Victorian style and adds another touch of wonder to an already magnificent

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