Use of Symbolism in The Lottery by Shirley Jackson

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Symbolism means like any place, person or thing that is something but

can be interpreted in a different way. The Lottery by Shirley Jackson is a short

story that shows symbolism, to give hints about the story in all the characters and

objects in the story. This Short story takes place in the summer where a small

town has a lottery every year round. The person that wins the lottery has a huge

impact on the town and the crops that grow in it. Old man Warner is the oldest in

the town and has been in more than seventy lotteries he likes to go by tradition

and doesn’t like to change it up. Mrs. Hutchinson on the other hand doesn’t want

to go by the tradition and thinks that the lottery is a huge mistake for the town. At

the end of the day Mrs. Hutchinson wins the lottery and gets the big surprise that

helps out the town with their crops to grow and can be harvest when its time.

Mrs. Hutchinson won the lottery and sacrificed her life and when its time to

Harvest the crops there will be full crops of corn to harvest.

Mr. Summers represents that the time of the lottery took place in the

summer because he was the one that got the lottery together and was the one

that was drawing from the black box. “ ‘Summer’ is the sir name of the conductor

of the lottery. The lottery happened during the summer. “ The lottery takes place

” June 22nd “ Mr. summer goes by all the rules and by the tradition of the lottery

he is one of those characters that take everything serious about the lottery and it

has to be perfect in order for their crops to grow. Mr. Summers also meaning

grow and life. “Lottery in June (Summer), corn be soon. “ Sacrifice one in the

summer and there will be growth for the corn.

Mr. Grav...

... middle of paper ...


kids to start early and learn the lottery that way the tradition won’t be forgotten

and the crops will keep on growing. “Mrs. Hutchinson ended up being the the

sacrificial animal, the scapegoat of the group. “ She blamed her own daughter

and said it wasn’t fair , and she ended up getting picked for the lottery and had to

sacrifice her life.

Works Cited

Ma, Martine. ”Literary Analysis Essay: The Lottery by Shirley Jackson., N.p, 10 Jun 2013. Web. 17 Mar 2014

Pirate Teacher. and Lentz. “ What are symbols in ‘ The Lottery ‘ by Shirely Jackson. “ enotes.enotes, inc., 10 Nov 2011, 19 sept 2012. Web. 17 mar 2014.

123HelpMe Editors. “Religious Symbolism in ‘ The Lottery ‘. “ 123HelpMe., Inc., N.d. Web 17 Mar 2014.

123Help Editors. “Names in Shirley Jackson’s ‘ The Lottery ‘ 123HelpMe. 123HelpMe, inc., n.d. Web. 17 Mar 2014.

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