Urie Bronfenbrenner's Theory On Domestic Violence

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This paper will explore and investigate the impact in which domestic violence has on Anne’s bio-economical model. It will scope into Urie Bronfenbrenner’s theory and will cover the microsystem, the individual and lastly the mesosystem that leads into the discovery of isolation and depression. The remaining body will finally lead into actual and potential impacts that domestic violence can have on Anne’s, John’s and their children’s bio-psycho-social health, focusing on causes and outcomes of domestic violence within each model. This paper’s purpose being to research and conclude different factors that have influenced the psychosocial status within the case of Anne and her family created from Case World.

Domestic violence plays a big impact on Anne and her own bio-ecological model. This theory of bio-ecological originated from a man called Urie Bronfenbrenner, the theory ‘considers individual development in a wider social context’ as seen in Table 1. (Guerin & Guerin 2013, p.58) In relation to Anne and the domestic violence which is inflicted on …show more content…

Another reason for the withholding this information could be a defence mechanism known as denial. ‘the blocking of painful information from consciousness (Barkway 2013, p.6). This for Anne may be an unconscious drive as incorporating denial and shame forms a different psychological way of thinking and being seen. This being a real impact due to the domestic violence. The domestic violence has additionally affected Anne’s social life, this causing her to isolate herself to her home. This is due to the harm inflicted, Anne may feel unsafe when leaving the home or ashamed when interacting or communicating in social

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