Summary Of I Am Not Your Victim: Anatomy Of Domestic Violence

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One of the reasons why IPV victims do not leave his or her abusers is due to isolation. This one of the any methods abusers use in order to achieve control over his or her victims. Abusers isolate the victim by cutting the victim's ties to any support system and resources. A support system includes family, friends, classmates, coworkers, and the government. Isolation is one of the many methods used in order to gain control over the victim’s life. In the autobiographical novel, I Am Not Your Victim: Anatomy of Domestic Violence, the author Beth Sipe discusses the domestic violence that she had suffered during her 16 year marriage. Sipe describes their “romance,” the abuse of power, Sam isolating her and her family, the confusion, the fear, the …show more content…

It became more apparent that Sam was trying to isolate Beth after the family moved to various different locations. Sam would not allow Beth to get a job, to get an education, socialize with the other wives who lived on the military bases, become friends with neighbor, and eventually moved away from the base. In the beginning of the relationship, an abuser will associate jealously with love. This “jealously” is used against the victim in order to convince them that the abuser does everything out of “love.” Eventually, the victim’s believes that the abuser is telling the truth. Once the abuser convinces the victim their decisions are made out of love towards the victim and gains the victim’s complete devotion, the abuser will continue on divide the victims from loved ones by accusing the victim's family and friend of being an “enemy” of their love for each other. By leaving the victim without social contact and support, the victim becomes more susceptible to be manipulated by their

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