This paper talks about the gamma-ray explosions that occur in the universe and its effect if it were to occur close to the earth’s surface. The most energetic explosions to be recorded in the universe are the gamma ray bursts. Gamma ray bursts forms a representation of the events that occur in the cosmos due to its large luminosity that has been detected to approximately z-8.3. This has offered an exciting experience in the study and research of the astrophysics in its extreme condition. The paper focuses on the study revolving around the long gamma ray burst and also the galaxies that form their hosts. The long gamma ray burst have long duration that is more than few seconds and the hypothesis supporting its development states that it develops from the massive stars death. The paper also tries to understand the effect of the gamma ray bursts and how they are related to the redshift distributions in the universe. It tries to analyses the different types of wavelengths that gamma ray burst generates after the collision or merging of bodies in the universe. It explains how recent development in technology has brought man closer in studying gamma ray burst in depth and because of the abilities of the technology, man can understand the different wavelengths generated. Finally, the paper talks of the possibility of gamma ray burst happening closer to the earth’s atmosphere as it happened millions of years back. It tries to look into the impact on the ecosystem and the survival of animals if such a phenomena occurring was to repeat itself closer to the planet earth’s environment.
Introduction 4
Gamma Ray Burst Radio Afterglows 5
Redshift Distributions of Gamma Ray Bursts 6
Radio Flux Distributions of Gamma Ray Bursts 7
... middle of paper ...
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This book is more than just a series of explanations of current astronomical theories and research tools, however. Dr. Tyson injects a great deal of historical perspective as well as his own personality and humor throughout the narrative, which is what really makes the difference between text that would otherwise be just informative and a book that is engaging and entertaining to read. For example, when discussing how astronomers use the different regions of the electromagnetic spectrum, he writes, "Superman, with his x-ray vision, has no special advantage over modern-day scientists
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Gamma radiation is produced by interactions within the nucleus, while X-rays are produced outside of the nucleus by electrons. There are officially two types of ionizing radiation that are energetic
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Solar flares, huge explosions of gasses, gamma rays and ultra-violet rays. These massive flares that come from the solar atmosphere are what I will be analyzing and teaching you about in this essay. Solar flares have had a profound effect on life and resources on earth throughout the history of our planet. Nowadays we are aware of the causes of solar flares and the damage that solar flares are capable of. Throughout this essay we will look into what solar flares are and how solar flares affect life and recourses on Earth.
Gamma rays are high-energy waves, and can travel long distances and penetrate human skin. However, they can be blocked by concrete, led, metal or even water.
Particle accelerators are considered hallmark of human technological advancement. Colliding subatomic particles in high energies, particle accelerators have brought dramatic paradigm shift in our understanding of the universe. Accelerators generally collide energetic particles together and look for the change in the energy of the system. This measurement of energy in colliding particles plays a vital role in the understanding of the events occurring inside the particle accelerators. Understanding the effect of particle accelerator in the human society is incomplete without the discussion of the energies that are involved in the accelerators.
Researcher at both Harvard and Yale University have discovered that older star emit a pulsating effect similar to a heartbeat. They have also been able to measure, for the first time, the ways an older, red, pulsating can affect the light their encompassing galaxy. The discovery was made with the use of a unique series of images of galaxy M87, in the constellation Virgo, taken with the Hubble Space Telescope over a period of three months in 2006.
There are two mysterious bubbles of gamma rays in our galaxy.They have a huge amount of energy in case they pass close to our world and explode they can cause the destruction of the earth. Fermi Bubbles looks beautiful in our space but they are really danger.
Figure 7. Wright, Ned. Las Campanas Redshift Survey. Digital image. Talk Origins. N.p., n.d. Web. 19 May 2014. .