Summary Of Death By Black Hole And Other Cosmic Quandaries Chapter Summaries

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1. Tyson, Neil d. Death by Black Hole: And Other Cosmic Quandaries, 2007
2. Death by Black Hole: And Other Cosmic Quandaries is a biography and it focuses on Neil childhood and how later on, that his involvement in science and astrology change the way we look at the universe.
3. Tyson’s biography talks about black holes and dark matter which is usual for chemistry and physics and the title essay introduces readers to the physics of black holes by explaining the gory details of what would happen to your body if you fell into one.
4. Death by Black Hole: And Other Cosmic Quandaries explains about his ability to blend content, accessibility, and humor, Tyson is a natural teacher who simplifies some of the most complex concepts in astrophysics …show more content…

To describe this book, I would prefer to say “incredible” because Neil is my favorite beside Bill Nye and I grew up looking up to both of them scientist and I hoped to be like him one day and study the universe the way he started doing. Also he’s like a myth buster and the best part about the book is simply Neil deGrasse Tyson’s approach to explaining things that can be hard to explain. He also interjects the extra enthusiasm one gets when an author is speaking about pet peeves, about things like how the sun is depicted in art and how certain science is depicted in certain movies.

6. This book is more than just a series of explanations of current astronomical theories and research tools, however. Dr. Tyson injects a great deal of historical perspective as well as his own personality and humor throughout the narrative, which is what really makes the difference between text that would otherwise be just informative and a book that is engaging and entertaining to read. For example, when discussing how astronomers use the different regions of the electromagnetic spectrum, he writes, "Superman, with his x-ray vision, has no special advantage over modern-day scientists

7. Death by Black Hole: And Other Cosmic Quandaries is a biography that is divided into 5 chapters total and a total of 42 mini sections. Bringing together more than forty of Tyson's favorite essays explores a myriad of cosmic topics, from what it would be like to be inside a black hole to the movie industry's feeble

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