Ukiyo-e, which literally means “picture of floating world” is an art form that expressed the pursuit of pleasure and indulgence in its works. It gained popularity during the late Edo Period with merchants and townspeople. Hiroshige Ando was one of the most famous Ukiyo-e artists in Japan in the Edo period. He specialized in landscape painting and some of his famous works are “Fifty-Three Stages on the Tokaido” and “Hundred Famous Places of Edo”. He was born in Edo, a city now known as modern day Tokyo in 1797. His father, Andou Gen'emon was a fire watchman in the famous Edo fire brigade. He was orphaned when he was twelve. He took over his father’s job of being a fire watchman while continuing to study painting. He was both a fireman and a
Kauikeaouli was hesitant to establish the Christian ten commandments because he was unsure whether his people wanted Christian Laws.
There may been times when people have been treated unfairly, just because of their appearance or their social life.
In 1857 Ando Hiroshige created a woodblock print titled Riverside Bamboo Market, Kyobashi representing a scene in Japan. The print is of a blue river, a bridge, and what looks like a mountain of bamboo. People are shown walking on the bridge as if they are entering the bamboo market. The colors in the artwork give off a calm feeling and the lines draw you into the details of the work. Calling the print Riverside Bamboo Market, Kyobashi, Ando Hiroshige presents the river as a market where people come to gain items to sustain focusing on the abundance of bamboo.
Katsushika Hokusai had a self-described mania about depicting things he saw in daily life. He was restless and therefore constantly sketched what he saw. Whether it was people, places, or landscapes, Hokusai developed a style unique to himself at the time. He made his own path in his style of ukiyo-e, away from the common depictions of
Over the course of Japanese history, arguably, no artist is more famous for their works than Katsushika Hokusai. During his 88 years of life, he produced over 30,000 pieces of artwork, and heavily influenced Western styles of art. His most famous piece was created around 1831, a Japanese styled piece titled, The Great Wave off Kanagawa. This piece has stood as a defining piece of artwork in the Japanese culture for over 180 years, analyzed by students and authors for the interpretations filling the paper. The relationship between Hokusai’s painting has directly affected the Western point of view of Japanese style. The English author, Herbert Read’s novel interprets the painting distinctly differently from a Japanese point, American poet,
Duke Kahanamoku race was a Native Hawaiian and was born on August 24,1890, He passed away in January 22, 1969. His siblings were Samuel, David, Sargent, Bill, Louis, Maria, Betnice, and Kapiohani Kahanamoku. His two careers were a sheriff, surfing, and a great husband. I hope I can inform you about duke Kahanamoku and how great of a person he was to life. Duke is very known in the surfing community.
At age 14, his uncle Kalaniopuu adopted him and treated him as his own son. As the years flew by Kamehameha grew to be a strong and skilled warrior thanks to his trainor, Kekuhaupio. With what he learned from Kekuhaupio he went on to conquer all the Hawaiian Island. Kamehameha became the first person to rule the Hawaiian Island under one ruler. Kamehameha was an effective leader because he was intelligent, he adapted to new idea, and because he was caring.
Chihuahuas are the smallest breed of dog in the world, with the average adult weighing anywhere from two to six pounds. No one is completely sure where the breed of Chihuahuas originated, but an ancestor of this tiny dog might have been the Techichi breed. The Techichi is a small, mute dog, and its origins date as far back as 8 A.D. These dogs lived with the Mayans and the Toltecs. The Techichis had long hair and were bigger than the average modern day Chihuahua. It is highly probable that Techichis were bred with a smaller, hairless breed called the Chinese Crested dog, which led to the emerging of the now popular Chihuahua. When the Aztecs took over the Toltecs, they embedded the Techichi breed into their society. The Aztecs believed that the Techichi had supernatural powers, such as the ability to
Over the years, many scientists and archeologists have traveled the world in search of more clues about our past. Among those found was the preserved mummy of a Neolithic man buried in ice. Otzi, a name the mummy earned from the Otztal Alps where he was unearthed, was dated to have lived over 5300 years ago. From the moment of discovery, the Iceman served as a subject of study that pushed back much of what we predicted the human timeline to be. This included the copper age, agriculture, as well as complex crafting of clothing and utilities. Until more recent studies were done it was assumed that Otzi had died at the hands of natural causes such as freezing in a storm. This, however, was proven wrong when further investigation shows that Otzi had died of a more aggressive cause of death. So why was Otzi killed on the high mountain tops of the Otztal Alps? My goal in this paper is to prove why the Iceman was murdered all those years ago.
Ukiyo-e is the name given to one of the most important art forms in all of Japan. Arriving as a new form of art in the 1700's these prints served as a record of daily life and pleasures in a newly wealthy Japanese society. The Japanese themselves had long regarded pleasure as transient because of their Buddhist heratige, because of this the word Ukiyo-e actually means "pictures of the floating world". These prints were truly art which reflected the whims of the masses. They record popular styles of dress, new hairstyles etc. They also record the popular Kabuki theater actors, the most beautiful geisha's (or prostitutes), and later even landscapes. Within the realm of Ukiyo-e there are many masters, but there is one master, Kitagawa Utamaro, who sticks out as one of the most incredible figure artists in Japanese prints.
Niroshige ll, “Thirty-six views of Tokyo” is done in the style Ukiyo-e which during the Edo period was a way for artisans to mass produce their art work. Ukiyo-e is the technique of woodblock, Ukiyo-e has serval different themes. It consist of Bijin ( beautiful women of the pleasure quarter) Portraits of actors, Famous landscapes, and Asobi-e ( erotica ). The Nihonbasi “Thirty-six views of Tokyo” is done in the Landscape tradition, which is portrayed in the title of the print. Landscape prints normally feature a beautiful place in japan that the Chonin would want to visit, the artist Utagawa Hiroshige ll uses techniques to portray what the subject of the piece which is a harbor and shoreline that helps help portray a sense of depth and logging to the “Thirty-six views of Tokyo.”
Twoubadou music, considered Haitian folk music to the Haitian youth of today, is a favored genre of music that has a significant place in Haitian culture. Twoubadou is a Haitian Creole word derived from the Spanish word, “troubadour.” In medieval times, a troubadour was a bard who would compose emotional pieces about love, hate, and the spectrum in-between. Troubadours would travel from place to place, producing music and poetry to fit along the way. Haitian troubadours retain many of these old practices. Instead of moving from township to township, bands of troubadours tour from venue to venue, singing about the pitfalls, beauties, uncanny truths, and graphic passions of love. Sometimes the songs are about lasting relationships; sometimes, outlining the realities of romantic flings.
The Shiba Inu is a wonderful species of dog, with both wolf and puppy features. The Shiba Inu, also known as “Shiba”, is the smallest Spitz breed completely originating from Japan. Although it looks very domestic, this dog was first bred for hunting. It can come in red, sesame, black, tan, or white. These dogs can make a high-pitched scream, known as the “Shiba Scream”, and is also the type of dog featured in the “Doge Meme”. The Shiba is certainly very cute and
The okapi (pronounced oh-COP-ee) is a beautiful and unusual animal. With its white-and-black striped hindquarters and front legs, it looks like it must be related to zebras! But take a look at an okapi’s head, and you’ll notice a resemblance to giraffes. The okapi is indeed the only living relative of the giraffe. Like a giraffe, the okapi has very large, upright ears, which catch even slight sounds, helping the animal avoid trouble. The okapi also has a long, dark, prehensile tongue, just like a giraffe’s, to help it strip the buds and young leaves from the understory brush of its rain forest
StumbleUpon has been one of the top wellsprings of social media traffic in the US since late 2010, surpassing Faceboook as a referrer.