Type 2 Diabetes Essay

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Diabetes meltus

Defention :

Diabetes is a syndrome characterized by metabolic disorder and an abnormal rise in blood sugar concentration caused by insulin deficiency, low insulin sensitivity of insulin, or both. Diabetes leads to serious complications or even premature death; however, diabetics can take certain steps to control the disease and reduce the risk of complications. These steps are summed up in weight reduction, and frequent movement .

Epidemiology in UAE :

Dr. Abdul Razzaq Al Madani, President of the Emirates Diabetes Association and Chairman of the Gulf Diabetes Study Group, said: "The growing prevalence of type 2 diabetes in the Middle East has placed it at the top of the agendas of governments in the region. Economic and …show more content…

Genetic factors, where the presence of relatives infected with the disease increases the incidence of it. Lack of regular exercise. Eat plenty of high-fat foods that are harmful to the body, especially high-fat junk foods and increased insulin resistance. Beta cells that secrete insulin, such as a non-visible viral infection, are damaged. The incidence of diabetes increases with age. Pancreatic damage due to infection with diseases such as inflammation or tumors, whether benign or malignant. Removal of the pancreas, due to cancerous tumors. Exposure to certain endocrine diseases such as extremities of limbs, excessive length or gallbladder disease …show more content…

Symptoms Of Gestational Diabetes And Treatment

Pregnancy sugar is usually only developed during pregnancy and has the same symptoms as conventional diabetes. However, high blood sugar in the pregnant woman may affect the health of the mother and the fetus and endanger them.

Treatment of gestational diabetes

Mothers can control diabetes during pregnancy as soon as they follow a healthy diet that helps them manage their blood sugar levels, exercise proper physical activity, and adhere to prescription drugs that need to be taken.

Symptoms of diabetes in pregnancy

Increased risk of infection. Itching in the genitals increases the risk of miscarriage and the birth of children with low weight.


High blood sugar or urine is usually a way of detecting diabetes, usually through a number of laboratory tests performed by the patient. If the results show an increase in sugar levels above normal (70-120 mg / Dysliter) then the injury may be

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