Tyler Miller

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“Why bother trying? What’s the point? So I could go to some suck-ass college, get a diploma, march out into a job I hate” This quote from the book describes how a lot of people feel as well as myself. These words are spoken by the main character Tyler Miller. I can relate to him in a lot of aspects of my life. All the work we put into school I sometimes wonder why are we even doing it? How does it apply to anything in the real world? It’s been shown through poles taken that almost 70 percent of adults dislike their jobs anyway. Towards the end of the story Tyler’s viewpoint transitions from pessimistic to optimistic. Instead of seeing the negative side of the entire situation he came to the realization he wanted to succeed. Most of the time I see the negative side of school because I want to, but when you look at it from a positive perspective it’s all helping me to secure a better future. Most of the things you learn in school are things you use in your everyday life, but because you have learned it it comes naturally.
I have also come across the same thing when I am playing soccer. I love to play …show more content…

Zero was known throughout the movie to be one of the fastest and most productive diggers in the entire camp. During the span of the entire movie he is constantly told that he is a waste of life but was made to dig holes, or that he was only made for one purpose and that was to dig holes. I think Zero believed it through the whole movie because once you’ve been told something long enough you start to believe it. In a lot of ways Zero and Tyler Miller are alike and are in similar life situations. Both teens are good kids personality wise. They have both made bad decisions in their lives and are now judged unfairly for mistakes they have made. Even though Zeroe’s may be worse they are both facing the consequences of their

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