Fight Club

2011 Words5 Pages

If you have watched the film Fight Club in regards to the early 1990’s and it’s American Consumerism it has a major effect on the countries early audiences which are males between 15 and 34 primarily all white. This led to a huge problem and was considered a controversial film. A film that would impact the world and the society in which people lived in leading to a public response. The huge question towards fight club is if the society would allow such in tolerant actions and if it’s possible to be controversial over the actions of rebellion. Fight Club has nothing to do with revolution but it is about the impossibility of it. This film criticizes the corporations and media and even pushes to criticize any big organizations looking to react against them. When the term Project Mayhem is introduced you noticed that a disorganized number or chaos, a group of men all wearing the same clothes chanting in unison in an anarchy way. The idea of individualism is terminated which is a major attribute of any revolution. For example fascism, communism or whatever idea you can think of. Some can argue that in this film the idea of individualism as it in introduced to us growing up is not the same but it’s a homogenization of the self, which is served to benefit the powers. This of it like this, you have the option to choose out of the two cars a land rover or a range rover. That is your freedom right there. This film helps open up the eyes of all values leading to individualism and has a strange complex with the main character and his different personality disorders. Fight club focuses on the ideas and the values of anyone who has power and those that are seeking to rebel against it.

In this Film I would be focusing on the two main chara...

... middle of paper ... and by him seeing credit companies fall, this was much more pleasing to him and what he had wanted to happen.

In conclusion to this analysis of these characters they go together where the resolve is Jack coming to the conclusion that he had truly taken his life threw a complete twist and in all seriousness didn’t want to experience being Tyler. What was seen there this analysis that Tyler was a real person and Jack was very jealous and everyone around wanted to be like him. Jack eventually grew as a man and wanted to use everything he experience to help mold him as an individual. They way in which he commanded at the end of the movie by shooting himself giving complete orders to the guys in project mayhem that this is something that Jack would have done. To us as an audience you can tell that they he has grown through the movie and took complete ownership.

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