Twitter Case Analysis

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While the company has been focusing way much on its features and products to attract people, they failed to pay the right amount of attention to the problems they are facing at the moment. Jack Dorsey’s priority wasn’t to make revenue, and that was a major point of conflict regarding the company’s success. Twitter faced and is still facing many problems and complications that left the company behind. Among these problems are revenue growth, user growth, low barriers to entry, business focus and a poor marketing strategy. Nowadays, most companies tend to think of engagement as being the essence of a successful business. As Umair Haque stated in his Harvard Business Review, “The business of most businesses is interaction”. Unfortunately for Twitter, …show more content…

p.38) and that in addition, “a brand personality can define a relationship between people.” (Aaker, 2014. p.37) To solve the issue, Twitter tried to come up with new things such as adding new features to shift the user’s attention but nothing has changed. Even though the company has added new features, “none of these have captured users’ imaginations, much less their interest”. Another problem the company is facing is high competition and low barriers to entry. Although “Differentiation is one of the most important strategic and tactical activities in which companies must constantly engage” (Trout, 2000. p.33), Twitter doesn’t really have a competitive advantage over its biggest competitor, namely Facebook, and doesn’t have any added value that would differentiate the company. The two conglomerates are known competitors in many aspects whether it's on the consumer front as well as in regards to technological advancements. On one hand, Facebook has been focusing its platform on video, as opposed to Twitter who is attempting to get on track in regards to what exactly it is they are offering their users. That being said, the company “Needs to have a brand vision” (Aaker, 2014. p.25). Twitter’s growth is not unimpressive whereby its looks strong even in comparison to …show more content…

Another example is Google, they spent up 15% of its revenue on R&D, but they actually have a good reason for that, high tech lab and innovative computers. Twitter does not give details about their R&D department, so we don’t really know on what the money is spent within the department, but is it obvious that they don’t work on any high tech innovation. Actually, if we take a look at their website, we realize that nothing has been changed for years, neither the design nor the platform. Also, they don’t mention how many employees work in that department, which makes it even sketchier. Twitter pays their expenses upfront, so their R&D expenses doesn’t really show on the income statement. “In addition to its regular R&D expenses, Twitter spent another $87 million on capitalized software and other development costs since the beginning of 2011.” (Fortune Magazine). If we remove the R&D expenses, twitter would definitely be profitable, but it wouldn’t be easy to pay employees then. “I don’t know what they’re doing to innovate, but I think it is early to criticize them for lack of creativity.” says Michael Pachter, an analyst who follows social media

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