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Recommended: Media reporting on child abuse
Secondly, we must be devoted towards the treatment for victims of child abuse, because it is crucial for children to receive full support from medical services in order to help children adjust to the experience of having been abused. Julie A. Lipovsky, psychology professor at The Citadel, The Military College of South Carolina, explains in her article, “Treatment of Child Victims of Abuse and Neglect”, “skills training used to teach the child coping strategies to manage negative emotions and to improve social/interpersonal functioning” (Lipovsky 9) help prevent child victims from facilitating criminal behavior. In addition to medical treatment, careful observations and approaches should be emphasized so abused children can effectively heal from their experience and minimize the effects of abuse. Imagine what would result from making sure every single child victim of abuse were to receive medical services. There would be a high decrease in aggressive, violent behavior in children who suffer from abuse, diminishing the risk of them from criminality. Therefore, we must not ignore and overlook cases of child abuse and the inhumane acts our children have to bear. We must acknowledge children’s cries, systematically report abuse, and provide child victims sufficient medical aid and therapy so that susceptibility towards criminal behavior can ultimately be minimized.
Lastly, in addition to the previously introduced actions of raising awareness to adults as to why it important to report any signs of abuse and to society why it is important to devote medical services to child victims of abuse, we must take even further measures to effectively stop child abuse and criminality. The changing factor in solving child abuse and criminality is n...
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...ntion and resources. Therefore, we, as a society must cast away all our doubts and hesitation embedded in our culture and initiate an entire movement of change. With society, adults, educators, schools, and children taking part in the prevention of child abuse and its criminal consequences, it is possible to achieve a long-term solution. We need to make the invisible world of child abuse and its dangerous aftereffects visible. We must emphasize that with dedication and effort, the utter elimination of abuse, maltreatment, and neglect towards our children is absolutely possible. The greatest contribution America can make in breaking the cycle of crime and solving the problems we created ourselves is to face them head on, reverse the trends that have our society and its children heading the wrong way, and not hurt, but nurture and cherish the spirit of our future.
Reece, Robert. "Treatment of Child Abuse: common Ground for Mental Health, Medical, and legal Practitioners." 2000 26MAR2008 .
According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 3.3 million referrals for alleged maltreatment were made in 2013. Out of the 3.3 million referrals, 899,000 children were officially documented as being maltreated(Child Abuse & Neglect 2015). Child abuse is the mistreatment of a child. Child abuse is recognized in several forms; physical, emotional, sexual and neglect. Children who experience any form of abuse will tend to withdraw themselves from their peers and sometimes from other family members who are not aware of what is taking place. Child abuse occurs not just in the homes of these children, but can also occur in schools, churches and after school programs. Anywhere a child is present there is a chance that abuse can occur. This paper will review the forms of child abuse, the effects of child abuse, reasons child abuse occurs and possible therapies to bring healing in the parties involved.
According to Tennyson Center for Children, “A report of child abuse is made every ten seconds in the U.S.” (“Child Abuse in America”). One cannot fathom the idea of why anyone would intentionally hurt the innocent children of today’s society. Child abuse happens with children of all ages, gender, and religions. Likewise, the world can be identified as a harsh place, where child abuse occurs around the world, and is even evident in the United States. There are many factors that contribute to this repulsive behavior. Physical, sexual, and psychological cruelty are effects of child abuse.
Child abuse is an issue in every state, every country, worldwide. There is no place that is immune to child abuse. This being stated they need better policies in place regarding the education on child abuse. Many people have many different opinions on how to lessen the amount of child abuse that goes on in this country, however many of them focus on stricter punishment for the abuser’s (Hmurovich, 2009). However, they know that stricter punishment will not lessen the amount of child abuse; it would truly have little to no impact on...
Child abuse in general is quite complex and at the same time one of the most challenging social issue facing people all around the USA. Child abuse cases have been recorded in all the states of the USA. The cases occur in all areas be it cities, small towns, suburbs, and even in rural areas. The vice also happens in all types of families regardless of the ethnic origin of the family or the even family income (UNICEF, 2015). It is thus important that effort is put into reducing cases of child abuse.
The first priority is to invest serious resources in the prevention of child abuse and neglect. The evidence is compelling that this is where much of the violent crime that plagues us begins, especially the kinds of violence we fear the most. It is known that most abused children never go on to injure others. But the correlation between later violent crime and childhood abuse is strong and consistent, especially for the most serious kinds of violence. It turned out that being abused or neglected had little effect, if any, on minor forms of delinquency. But for serious delinquency—and violent crime in particular it mattered a great deal. The youths who had been abused were arrested almost twice as often, and reported almost twice as many violent offenses. The ideology is that if we prevent these tragedies, we can reduce violent crime.
There are several domains that must be considered when treating a survivor of child abuse: the need for safety and trust, sense of belonging, protection from perceived or actual threats, facing the defendant in court, prevention of revictimization, and empowerment (Sawyer & Judd, 2012). Davis, 2005, states that “children terrorized through sexual abuse, neglect, physical abuse, or wartime atrocities may suffer from lasting wounds, nightmares, depression, and troubled adolescence involving substance abuse, binge eating, or aggression.” Victims of child abuse need to regain their sense of control over their lives. Experiencing healthy relationships, being nurtured by adults and helping them to learn resilience are all interventions that have been well-documented (Sawyer & Judd, 2...
However, The Department of Health and Human Services in US reported child maltreatment rate increased from 678,932 in 2013 to 702,000 in 2014. In other words, there are 9 to 10 victims per 1000 children (Peter J., 2016), and it is even getting higher and higher. That means, the solutions of the organizations may not be productive. In fact, current solutions for child abuse tend to mostly focus on the treatment for victims, and counselling, punishing, and educating perpetrators. Of course, those solutions may help the prevention of repeated crime and healing of victims.
Abuse and neglect at a young age affects how Yunior interacts with women. For example, In the early years of Yunior 's life his mother sends him and his brother rafa away to his uncle’s ranch. This absence of his mother for a month caused Yunior to experience a man inappropriately touching him on a bus heading towards his uncle’s ranch. According to the case study Identifying Emotional and Psychological Abuse : A Guide for Childcare Professionals by Kieren O’ Hagan, Children who experience some type of abuse between the age of 5 - 12 go through emotions that shape how they perceive their parent and how they receive love or lack of. So if Yunior’s mother was absent during the time on the bus, that will shape how Yunior carries himself by having
Child abuse is a very sore subject to organizations around the world. No one wants to see a child getting abused for no absolute reason. People in organizations put in time and effort to see child abuse stop, but somehow there is just no way aro...
“The world is a dangerous place not because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing,” said Albert Einstein. It is not just Radiologist or R.T. (R) job to fight against child abuse, but it is everyone’s duty to stand up against child abuse. We cannot change what happened in the past, but we can change the future of those children who are still the victim of child
When the topic of abuse comes up, many different forms of abuse pop into individuals heads. Whether its Physical abuse, sexual abuse, verbal abuse or even drug abuse, the list just keeps going. Now take all those different forms abuse and imagine them happening in a family. A father physically abusing his children, a mother verbally berating her daughter about her body image, a child growing up in fear. According to the research by David Wolfe in the Journal of Consulting and clinical Psychology, that the number of children that have suffered a physical injury due to physical abuse is between 1.4 and 1.9 million annually. With such a high number of physical abuse happening to children, one can imagine how high the number of all the
Child abuse is one of many troubles experienced throughout our society today. It is a dangerous corruption that has serious detrimental physical and mental repercussions on its victims. These repercussions may result in the development of severe physical ailments as well as possible mental disorders from the recurring trauma. Beyond this, consequences range from impairment in the preoperational stage to antisocial personality disorders.
One of the most obvious and damaging results of child abuse is death; however, research illustrating the effects on a growing child who has been abused has demonstrated many other lifelong negative factors (Felitti, Anda, Nordenberg, Williamson, Spitz, Edwards, Koss, Marks, 1998). In consonance children who suffer from abuse can show signs of depression, social withdraw, and even violent behavior. As a child grows older, they may suffer from poor physical health, such as high blood pressure, obesity, stress, and psychological disorders and disabilities (Herronkohl, T., Hong, Klika, and Herronkohl, R., 2013). Child abuse and neglect have also been associated with depression, anger disorders, and post-traumatic
There are important reasons why child abuse should be addressed as a social problem. The factors are strongly related to the social problems, so we should socially address child abuse. Child abuse includes physical, sexual, and psychological abuse and neglect. Since child abuse and neglect are sometimes difficult to find from outside, it is also difficult for third parties to investigate and help appropriately. Here, I will propose an education system as an ideal law to remove child abuse.