Child Neglect and Adoption

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Adoption and child neglect are major issues in society today. Many children go through these processes everyday. By going through these trials, it changes the child's aspect on life. The movie, Losing Isaiah, is about a mother who neglected her infant to get a hit off of crack. After waking up from being passed out, she realizes that her child is missing. Another mother decided to adopt the baby and raise it in a fit environment. However when the child turns three, the birth mother decided to go to court to try and win custody of the child. In the movie Losing Isaiah, adoption and child neglect are portrayed; however they are not portrayed correctly.

Neglect is defined as failing to give proper attention to or take proper care of a person or child (Webster Dictionary, 849). According to the Institute of Medicine Staff, traditional estimate indicate that family violence affects as many as one in four children and adults in the United States during their lifetimes. Neglect occurs when the child�s basic needs are not met (Black). According to Black, child neglect is prevalent and has pervasive long-term effects. Neglect may be physical and/or emotional, and different types of neglect require different types of intervention (Black).

According to Mimi Lyster, domestic violence, child abuse and child neglect happen in all kinds of families, from all parts of the country and at all income levels. Losing Isaiah did not show any of the effects of child neglect. In the movie, Isaiah, played by Marc John Jefferies, had experienced the effect of neglect emotionally, but it did not show examples of how he was affected. Black describes that child neglect does have long-term effects; however in Losing...

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...ld definitely be worth it.

Works Cited

Daniel, Brigid.�Child Neglect: Practice Issues for Health and Social Care.� 2004 1. 26Mar2008

Gunsch, J. "What are the Steps to Adopting a Child?." (2008) 26Mar2008 .

Losing Isaiah. Dir Stephen Gyllenhall. DVD. Paramount Pictures,1995.

Lyster, Mimi. Child Custod. y Building Parenting Agreements That Work. 4th. USA: consolidated Printers, Inc., 2003.

Reece, Robert. "Treatment of Child Abuse: common Ground for Mental Health, Medical, and legal Practitioners." 2000 26MAR2008 .

Sember, Brette. "Complete Adoption and Fertility Legal Guide." 200426MAR2008 .

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