Treat Essential Oils

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Treat essential oils like you would any medicine. These are highly concentrated liquids that can be harmful if not used carefully. You need to keep them out of the reach of children, and to follow directions and safety warnings.

There are very few essential oils that can be used undiluted on the skin. So for practicality sake…all essential oils should be diluted with carrier oil, lotion, or water (such as in a bath) before they are used on the skin. Even Lavender and Tea Tree oil, which many say can be used “neat” or undiluted, can cause sensitivity issues and lead to contact dermatitis. The safest rule is to never use any essential oil without diluting it first or doing a skin test.

Make sure to test new oils for sensitivity or allergic reactions. Remember that no two essential oils are the same, and no two people …show more content…

Have a glass of water or milk. Contact a doctor or hospital.

Discontinue the use of an essential oil if you experience severe skin, stomach, or respiratory irritation or discomfort.

Wash your hands after using essential oils to keep from transferring the oil to someone else.

Essential oils are flammable. Keep them away from fire hazards. This is why when you add the oil to a candle you want to burn you let the candle burn until there is a pool of melted wax. Blow out the flame, and then carefully add drops of oil to the melted wax, avoiding the hot wick. Now relight.

Do not go to sleep with an oil burner candle lit. Always blow out before going to sleep. Furthermore, do not leave an oil burner within reach of children. Do not leave an oil burner near combustible items i.e., curtains, nightwear, etc.

Essential oils have individual characteristics and safety warnings. You should check the warnings for each essential oil you plan to use. If you have questions about the safety of any essential oil consult your physician and/or a qualified and trained aromatherapy practitioner.


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