Thanks to the development of technology the world is getting smaller and smaller. As the people from different parts of the world communicate more frequently, cross language plagiarism, also called translation plagiarism, is bound to arise. In most cases, authors can directly copy ideas from other language and culture without taking any risks. Meanwhile, the authors can gain both fame and wealth in their region. On the other hand, even if we detect the authors who plagiarized ideas from other language, it’s very difficult to judge it. Moreover, there is almost no such possibility to stop as they usually cross international borders. In this article, a typical case of translation plagiarism will be introduced, and followed by reasons, social impact and potential solutions.
“Fang Zhouzi” is one of the most famous Chinese scientific writers who is also well known for his campaign against pseudoscience and fraud in China. He is keen to find other Chinese scholar’s plagiarism cases and make the result known to the public. Chinese people always said “Tall trees catch much wind”, which means a person of high position is liable to be attacked. As he became more and more famous, some of his articles are even found to be plagiarism. Most of them are considered to be translation plagiarism.
According to China Academic Integrity Review, more than 60 of his articles have suspicion about plagiarism. I cannot say all of those 60 are cross language plagiarism. At least, some of them really make sense. Here is a famous example of his plagiarism:
In 1995, he was a graduate student in Michigan State University. He wrote a paper, “What Is Science?” (《科学是什么?》), which discusses the definition of science. In next decades, this essay was published ...
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... another language? Then you won’t believe there is any automatically translation plagiarism search system.
Does that mean we have no way to detect translation plagiarism? Definitely not. What we need is an international organization working on it and supported by governments. They should hire people who know more than one language and make them working on detecting translation plagiarism. The good news is that they will work hard if they are living on the exorbitant fines. Besides, we should design an international essay archiving system which can put similar topic papers together. Then, it will be easy to make comparisons between them.
Anyway, though we may have lots of supervision and punishment. I hope scholars can stay honest to make the academia pure and clear.
Grade: 75.
Your ideas are nice, but your language needs to be polished.
In the essay “Rise of the Plagiosphere,” Ed Tenner argues that creative writing is dying due to online plagiarism detection programs, databases and text-comparison programs. Tenner first breaks down and defines the word Plagiosphere by defining it as a combination of the word plagiarism and sphere. Tenner then mentions how the idea of combining these words came from the creation of the word biosphere. Tenner then goes into discussing how different programs have been created to detect plagiarism such as web crawlers. He points out how these technical advances have caused for a writer’s profound phrasing to have a shortened life span. The writer may think he or she is stringing words together in a groundbreaking manner, but the reality is due
Plagiarism of Electronic material has been very difficult to detect in the past, but new technology has made detecting electronic plagiarism of material such as Internet content, online databases, and e-books possible. Educational institutions are now able to check content submitted by students’ using software such as DupliChecker and Turnitin, which check work against current and archived web pages and databases of previously submitted student work consisting of journals, assignments and essays. Students can also take an active part by checking their work using similar software made available to the public.
Plagiarism is stealing, cheating and just plain wrong. When you think of plagiarism, you probably just think of someone copying and pasting information from the Internet. But did you know that people can also plagiarize songs and not just information from the internet? Take Justin Bieber for example. He was sued back in 2013 for $10 million for copyright infringement. He supposedly stole lyrics from "two Virginia songwriters who claim that Bieber's song "Somebody to Love" contains numerous lyrical and stylistic similarities to the song they wrote in 2008 by the same name." (NY Daily News. Justin Bieber, Usher sued for $10 million for copyright infringement. February 06, 2014.)
Earlier Science was treated as an institution but now, it includes many things like "scientific experiments, "theories" etc. The authors argue that this knowledge should viewed in terms of "socially constructed" and not the one known as "scientific truth". This article points that in the social constructivist view, the 'science' it is just another system of knowledge which contains empirical researches and studies. It is basically concerned with what is "truth", how it has emerged, accepted and explained in social domain. ...
Plagiarism takes various forms. A student may cheat doing something as extreme as purchasing a paper, hiring someone to write a paper or turning in a paper freely provided by a friend. Many students unknowingly commit Plagiarism by failing to properly cite their sources crediting the authors. Still others cite, but plagiarize by coping much too much and writing far, far too little of their own synthesized thoughts and ideas. Students must be careful about copying too much. If a paper is mostly other writers’ material, that can be considered Plagiarism, even if the student credits their sources.
Have you ever known someone who plagiarized, either unknowingly or intentionally? Have you? It is very to plagiarize, today in a world of technology. Sadly enough, many people don't even know what it truly is, which can sometimes lead to plagiarizing without knowing it. There are many different ways to plagiarize, but all are wrong and unjust. Whether someone does it unintentionally or deliberately, plagiarism is wrong. Plagiarism should be corrected, fixed, and deleted before any damage is done.
Plagiarism, conventionally defined as literary theft, is the stealing and replication of the original ideas of another person without requesting for consent or crediting the author of a recorded or authored work (Heath 4). It may take several forms, for example, presenting an idea as original even though it has been derived from an existing source, or even neglecting to put quotation marks when quoting a sentence from borrowed work. In as much as plagiarism is widely regarded as a bad practice, it is at times committed unintentionally. As a result, there is an anti-plagiarism policy in several academic institutions and heavy penalties are imposed on individuals involved in plagiarism.
Generally, science is a hotly discussed and vehemently debated topic. It is difficult to achieve consensus in science, considering the fact that ideas are diverse about even science definition, leave alone the true interpretations and meaning of scientific experiments, philosophies and discoveries. However, these arguments, disagreements as well as continuous trials to find a better reasoning, logic and explanation are exactly what have always been driving science progress from art to art form. It is worth noting that, in Philosophy of Science: A Very Short Introduction, the Author-Samir Okasha explore various way of looking at science via the prism of life by citing a variety of scientific experiments, and providing examples from history of science.
Plagiarism, or the unaccredited use of another's work or ideas, has become more and more of a problem in recent times than it was in the past. According to statistics found in a survey conducted by the Free Press, 58% of high school students let someone copy their work in 1969, but by 1989 this number had risen to 97%. The expansion of the World Wide Web and the number of people accessing the Web on a regular basis has caused an epidemic of plagiarism in this country, especially among students. This is a serious problem that must be addressed because many students feel that if they are not getting in trouble for cheating, than it is okay.
After considering all the described points in this paper, it can be rightly said that there is a considerable difference between science and other types of knowledge.
Voelker, T. A., Love, L. G., & Pentina, I. (2012). Plagiarism: What don't they know?. Journal of Education for Business, 87(1), 36-41. doi:10.1080/08832323.2011.552536
Plagiarism is a very serious issue because it can affect the learning of many students. For example teachers and principals in an academic institute are very strict towards this matter so, it can lead to many consequences such as suspension, failure or even the risk of being expelled from a school and possibly even a school board. To avoid these consequences it is important to avoid plagiarizing, which can be a very hard thing to do for people who consistently rely on someone else’s work. There are many different ways to avoid plagiarism such as, making sure what the source is trying to say in order to fulfill the task assigned.
Plagiarism and Copyright Infringement are two terms that mean different things yet are routinely mentioned as synonyms for each other. This is not the case. The underlying reasoning for people who choose to plagiarize and infringe on copyrights involve some of the same ethics and morals, but from a legal standpoint these terms mean different things. This paper will point out the similarities and differences between the two terms. It will first give some meaning and perspective behind each term then it will go into the details of what each term means. It will point out the types of plagiarism that routinely show in academia and what is covered under Copyright law protection. It will go on to compare and contrast the two concepts.
Another way to correct plagiarism is to quote and give credit where credit is due. If the student takes someone’s own words and uses them in a paper he or she better put quotation marks around the quote and disclose to whom the quote belonged to.
The repercussions of plagiarism in the academic or scientific field are almost impossible to recover from. A person’s credibility would be destroyed. A lot of the time, after being caught, the individual’s rights to publish their work is revoked, leaving them with no way to share their work (Ithenticate). Also, when applying for a government grant for research, many researchers have been turned down due to past accounts of plagiarism (globalpost).