Transformational Leadership Style

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Project Management Leadership Styles and Effective Behavior of Project Success, has been recent conversation in the Information Technology/Systems industry. The conversation is over the lack of good, consistent and ethical Project Managers willing to not just complete projects but, to live up to the primary leadership style Project Managers are known to utilize; Transformational Leadership. Transformational Leaders lead by example, hold themselves to higher standards, possess ethical behaviors and realize the importance and impact they have on individuals and project success. Many Project Managers (PM) have been successful in completing projects as laid out and agreed on by the administrators, but failed to succeed in their leadership by neglecting to manage and ethically lead development and guidance of their team members. …show more content…

Transformational Leaders know that one of the most important aspects of their leadership is setting the example. When they lead and manage a project, they have a responsibility to their team members to mentor, encourage, communicate precise and direct instructions and involve the team members in discussions and generating ideas. A good leader will be able to observe and handle those team members that are struggling and assist them as needed. The Project Manager needs to be understanding, emotionally intelligent, and be sensitive to the teams needs and guidance. Consistently successful Project Managers do not allow themselves to adhere to just one leadership style. Although most Project Managers use Transformational Leadership Style they also incorporate the Transactional Leadership Style, where there is an exchange between the leader and team member of ideas or project related details. Project Managers use all styles of leadership wherever

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