What does it take to become a successful manager within the sport and fitness sector? This short essay is set to find the most important key transferable skill, by researching the advantages and disadvantages of four key skills every manager must obtain. communication, organization, leadership and being able to work as part of a team. Let us begin by understanding what is a transferable skill? Transferable skills are versatile set of individual skills that can be obtained through various different experiences. an example of the sorts of places you might learn and obtain transferable skills could be playing and participating in sport, education, working life and family upbringing. Every day we are communicating with each other. this be in various different ways, be it by words, actions or even expressions. For a good and effective manager, communication aids to create and sustain organization operations, through a two-way conversation. "forcing one-way communication on to people without their understanding and without understanding them makes for poor management"(Torkildsen, 2011 P.348). There are four different types of communicating with one another, verbal, non verbal, formal and informal. All four forms of communication on a management outlook may be used to communicate information or knowledge of authority, to delegate responsibilities and tasks and to provide important information. However, as Aquino (2000) stated that conflict is the major disadvantage of communication within the work place. Staff members may use communication to argue and disagree with each other and also with management. Thus, causing tension and anxiety which can prevent completion of tasks and disrupt the teams cohesion. Under conflict, staff may feel as... ... middle of paper ... ...2012). Strategic Organizational Communication: in a Global Economy. 6th ed. Oxford: Wiley Blackwell. Fayol, H (2013). General and Industrial Management. Eastford: Martino Fine Books. Howell, J., Costley, D (2001). Understanding Behaviours for Effective Leadership. New Jersey: Prentice Hall. Javid, Dr A. (2012). Productive Leadership: Daily Devotions for Developing Discernment. USA: Advancing Native Missions. Lawson, I (2001). Leadership: Instant Access to Key Tips, Tactics and Techniques . London: Spiro Press. P.7. Lenahan, T (2005). Turnaround, Shutdown and Outage Management: Effective Planning and Step-by-Step Execution of Planned Maintenance Operations. 2nd ed. Oxford: Butterworth-Heinemann. Mullins, L (2013). Management and Organisational Behaviour. England: FT Publishing International. Torkildsen, G (2011). Sport and Leisure Management. 6th ed. Oxon: Routledge.
Hughes, R. L., Ginnett, R. C., & Curphy, G. J. (2012). Leadership: Enhancing the lessons of experience. New York: McGraw-Hill Irwin
Pierce, Jon L. and John W. Newstrom (2011) 6th edition. Leaders and the Leadership Process.
Kouzes, J., & Posner, B., (2007). The leadership challenge, (4th ed.). San Francisco, CA: Jossey-
Yukl, G. (2002). Leadership in organizations. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall. p. 1-19. Retrieved from http://www.blackdiamond.dk/HDO/Organisation_Gary_Yukl_Leadership_in_Organizations.pdf
In several occasions, conflict occurs in the communication of one or two people. Several people have thought of conflict as cases involving pouring of furious anger in a communication process. Nonetheless, conflict is the misinterpretation of an individual’s words or values (Huan & YAzdanifard, 2012). Conflict can also be due to limited resources in an organization (Riaz & Junaid, 2010). Conflict may as well arise due to poor communication or the use of inappropriate communication channel of transmission of information between the involved parties. Management of conflict has various conflict management styles that include avoidance style, forcing style, passive-aggressive style, accommodating style, collaborating style and compromising style. Workplace conflict comes in two different kinds: task involving conflict, which focuses on the approaches used in resolving the problem and blaming conflict that has the aspects of blame and never brings element of resolving problems between the conflicting parties. In the perception of several individuals, relationship conflict is negative.
Mlls, D. Q. (2005). Leadership How to Lead, How to Live. Boston: Harvad Business School Press.
Northouse, P. (2010). Leadership: Theory and practice (5th ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, Inc.
Dubrin, A., Dalglish, C. & Miller, P. (2006) Leadership: 2nd edition. Australia. John Wiley & Sons Ltd
(3) What are the crucial characteristics in method that distinguish coaching from other forms of management practice?
Leaders is an effective tool for summarizing and inspiring leadership, not in that it teaches tough strategies and manipulations, but that when looking at an overview of its content, Bennis and Nanus are essentially teaching human relations and human decency. All in all, this book highlights strategies for us all to be better in our lives and our everyday interactions.
Kouzes, J., & Posner, B. (2007). The Leadership Challenge (4th ed.). San Francisco, CA 94103-1741: Jossey-Bass.
Hughes, Ginnett, & Curphy (2009). Leadership: Enhancing the Lessons of Experience (6th Ed). New York, NY McGraw-Hill Irwin
John A., 2009. Not Bosses but leaders, How to lead the way to success.3rd ed. London: kogan page.
Lussier, R.N. & Achua, C.F. (2010). Leadership: Theory, application, skill development (5th ed.). Mason, OH: South-Western.
As in all aspects of personal and professional life, having effective communication is a key element of success. Effective communication can benefit your relationships with people. By conveying your message and integrating them as a member of the team and not just a subordinate leads to better production. By effectively communicating you can clearly define job responsibilities and expectations. The better you are able to communicate the less likely organizational turnover of personnel will occur. Supervisors and leaders in the professional workplace find that the most important factor in advancement and retain ability is effective communication. Senior level executives and human resources managers are stressing the importance of communication and providing more training for mid-level management. Emphasis is placed on communication being clear by being transmitted strongly.