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The transcontinental railroad impact
Essay transcontinental railroad
The transcontinental railroad impact
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Because of the job opportunities in the West that were advertised throughout the World , many people who found themselves out of place after being freed, or having their livelihood freed, sought to take up shop and make their way to these new opportunities. As many jobs were created by the construction of the railroad, many african american people found themselves employed for one of the biggest industries in historical america, laying down railroad, and constructing the telegraph network that followed the rail. as the railroad progressed along the countryside, many cultural groups were provided the opportunity to mix amongst each other, this action caused many cultural groups to mix and in turn loose some division and judgement in the process. When the Transcontinental railroad was completed, the news was transmitted …show more content…
along the telegraph poles that had been set up along the the railroad, and the job search buzz brought on by the West was very much still present, which as most would guess, caused a major highway for cultural, and economics groups across the nation.
As the promise of individuals being able to own their land, for low sums of money, stayed present, more and more people from every race made their way out west, via the brand new rail road. Along with all the new towns that formed along the railroad, the separation of Native American land along the rail caused an uneasiness in culture between them, and the people invading their lands. To worsen the relations in between the two groups, the new act of mass hunting buffalo caused almost extinction for one of the Native American’s primary assets. As the rush continued to fly through the West, America, really began to spread its wings across the country, this caused the economics of the nation to go to major high point. Some of the trades that caused the United States to increase its financial breadth, as a result of the railroad, were shipping live stock via train, rather than driving them, the sale of buffalo relating apparel, and one of the most major, The Gold Rush. Although the rail was not the primary way of mining gold, it did help transport the news of gold in the far West, it helped bring eager miners to the
West, and helped to spread this golden wealth throughout the nation. In the end, the railroad helped to employ America, expand America, and finance America, the rail also brought on other negative elements such as the further eradication of Native American culture. So as much good for the nation the railroad did for america, it also caused some of the greater tragedies in America’s history, therefore I am making the claim that the railroad as a result of reconstruction, and therefore reconstruction, was primarily a success for the nation, but had issues too. However that was not the end of reconstruction for the nation, and although the railroad was a pipeline for westward expansion, it was not the only event taking place during the reconstruction.
To urban middle-class Americans of the late 19th century, nothing symbolized the progress of the American civilization quite as much as the railroad. Not only had the great surge in railroad construction after the Civil War helped to create a modern market economy, but the iron horse itself seemed to embody the energy, force, and technology of the new order. In fact, the fanning out of railroads from urban centers was an integral part of the modernizing process, tying the natural and human resources of rural areas to the industrializing core.
Still, the Germans are neglected and the Irish exploited, language barrier continued to cause strife and distrust. However, when English news was subsequently translated into German, sentiments of exploitation and desertion became a backdrop and they started seeing other in a new way. Democracy was birthed as more power was shared among ethnicities in the “back country”. The increased intensity of the Indian savagery opened the eyes to the whites and they sought to put their previous irreconcilable differences in the shade. To a degree, they consciously realized that they have a common enemy and they could wield their communities to attack the “red race”. There was a significant shift in their belief, the creator created differently so that they could live distinctly. Familiarity does not necessarily arise from living in close proximity with each other, and Silver constantly argued this throughout his book. The idea of White’s middle ground never came into existence at this point in history in Pennsylvania, as racial consciousness emerged and developed. The Irish, Germans and other Europeans saw themselves whites and the Indians as red, they built inter-white middle ground here, not Indian-white. They did not actually forget or bury their differences and ignore its existence, but they, to a certain extent found tolerance and little “accommodation” between their other white
The Transcontinental Railroad was comprised of nearly eighteen hundred miles of track, much of which was laid by Chinese and Irish immigrants (Immigration 1). Chinese immigrants had settled in California during the Gold Rush but were not allowed to become full citizens (Immigration 1). With the need for labor to work on the railroad, the Chinese were hired, although at a lower rate of pay than Americans and other immigrants (Immigration 1). The Central Pacific Railroad had employed over twelve thousand Chinese workers by 1868. They even set a record, laying ten miles of railroad track in twelve hours (Immigration 1). Over twenty-five thousand Chinese immigrants settled in the United States in 1868 and 1869 and eventually obtained citizenship (Cultural 2). The Union Pacific Railroad employed mainly Irish immigrants, many of whom had served in the Civil War. After the completion of the Transcontinental Railroad, many new immigrants settled in the western states and territories. Immigrants who came in through immigration stations, such as Ellis Island, used the Transcontinental Railroad to move to new western towns. The railroad advertised with the hope of attracting European, African, and Russian immigrants to populate small western towns along the
In Henry George’s article, What the Railroad Will Bring Us, it discusses the main social, political, and economic transformations that the trans-continental railroad would bring to the state of California. More importantly, he discusses not only the benefits, but also discusses the major drawbacks with the arrival of the railroad. Henry George stated the railroad would be the “greatest work of the age” (297). With a railroad stretching from the Atlantic to the Pacific, multiple benefits would be brought to the state of California. First, the railroad will not only create a new means of transportation across the United States, it additionally would also become “one of the greatest material prosperity” of its time (298). This means more people, more houses,
Through the period of 1865-1900, America’s agriculture underwent a series of changes. Changes that were a product of the influential role that technology, government policy and economic conditions played. To extend on this idea, changes included the increase in exported goods, the availability of products as well as the improved traveling system of rail roads. In the primate stages of these developing changes, farmers were able to benefit from the product, yet as time passed by, dissatisfaction grew within them. They no longer benefited from the changes (economy went bad), and therefore they no longer supported railroads.
There is one reason Chicago is as big as it is today and that is the fact that it is the largest rail city in the world. The railroad made Chicago what it is today, and although the canal was very important in the history of Chicago the railroads importance out weighs it by far. The canal was important because it was the vision of the first settlers of Chicago to have an all water trade route that would go through Chicago. What those first explorers saw was a way to make a canal so that they could transport goods from the St Lawrence River all the way to the Gulf of Mexico with less cost and with more efficiency. The canal was the reason Chicago was settled in the first place if not for it there might very well not be a city called Chicago. You could argue that the canal was the most important thing in Chicago's history but I think the railroads were much more important. The railroads enabled Chicago to become one of the biggest cities in the world by bringing in different business and all types of goods. Chicago is a very key location to have a railroad-shipping hub. This is because it is centrally located in the United States so goods can be shipped in almost any direction and received in a shorter amount of time. William Butler Ogden was the one who pushed for Chicago to adopt a large rail system and he should be known as the one who made this city boom. St. Louis or another centrally located city could have very well adopted the rail system and they would have reaped all the benefits.
The lives of the Plains Indians in the second half of the nineteenth century were greatly affected by the technological development and government actions. The development of the transcontinental railroad was the most devastating technological development that affected the Plains Indians. Although the railroad was powerful and helpful to the white man, it was not for the Plains Indians. The transcontinental railroad was the reason why the westward movement of the white man happened so quickly. With the white man moving westward they found valuable land for agriculture, which was the Plains Indians land, and they found a lot of gold mines.
Although not a natural resource, railroads were considered one of the key factors in almost every widespread industry. It allowed companies to quickly send products across the entire nation without using expensive and time-consuming caravans or wagons. Cornelius Vanderbilt was a prominent leader in the railroad industry at this time. He was already in his later years by the time the Gilded Age rolled around and didn't even get to see the uprising of some of the greatest leaders of the time. The railroad companies took advantage of their necessity by constantly overcharging customers, especially farmers. This led to one of the first labor unio...
Railroads first appeared around the 1830’s, and helped the ideas of Manifest Destiny and Westward expansion; however, these were weak and didn’t connect as far as people needed, thus causing them to be forced to take more dangerous routes. On January 17th, 1848, a proposal was sent to Congress by Asa Whitney to approve and provide federal funding...
After the Civil War, Americans abandoned the sectional emphasis caused by slavery and developed a national focus. During the period from 1865-1890, Americans completed the settlement of the West. For the farmers and ranchers, the American West was a land of opportunity because land was cheap and the Homestead Act provided land to farmers, including immigrants and blacks, in order to grow crops, raise cattle and make a profit. The American West was also seen as a land of opportunity for miners due to the gold and silver rush in the far west which they believed would make them rich. However, both groups faced many challenges and few achieved great wealth.
The California Gold Rush in 1849 was the catalyst event for the state that earned them a spot in the U.S. union in 1850. This was not the first gold rush in North America; however, it was one of the most important gold rush events. The story of how the gold was discovered and the stories of the 49ers are well known. Men leaving their families in the East and heading West in hopes of striking it rich are the stories that most of us heard about when we learn about the California Gold Rush. Professors and scholars over the last two decades from various fields of study have taken a deeper look into the Gold Rush phenomena. When California joined the Union in 1850 it helped the U.S. expand westward just as most Americans had intended to do. The event of the Gold Rush can be viewed as important because it led to a national railroad. It also provided the correct circumstances for successful entrepreneurship, capitalism, and the development modern industrialization. The event also had a major influence on agriculture, economics, and politics.
The growth of agriculture and railroads in Texas and in the United States helped form our economy today. Railroads today pass through a lot of Texas, and even in big cities like Houston or Dallas. Since there are so many farms and open farmland (especially in south and west Texas), railroads can carry the produce and livestock to their destination. James Watt invented the first steam engine in about 1769, and from then on, railroads were a must for transportation, since cars had yet to be invented. Railroads began to be built before the Civil War. It originally took about 6 months to get from the west of the US to the east, but now it only took 7 days. With railroads expanding all across the country, agriculture was affected in a mostly positive way. Now, crops and other goods could be transported by train anywhere in the US, and fast.
The growth of the railroad was one of the most significant elements in American economic growth, yet it hurt small shippers and farmers in many ways. Extreme competition between rail companies necessitated some way to win business. To do this, railroads would offer rebates and drawbacks to larger shippers who used their rails. This practice hurt smaller shippers, including farmers, because often times railroad companies would charge more to ship products short distances than they would for long trips. This is known as the “long haul, short haul evil”.
The transcontinental railroad would eventually become a symbol of much-needed unity, repairing the sectionalism that had once divided the nation during the Civil War. The construction of the transcontinental railroad was also an extension of the transportation revolution. Once commodities such as gold were found in the western half of America, many individuals decided to move themselves and their families out west in search of opportunity. Not only did the railroad help to transport people, but it also it allowed for goods to be delivered from companies in the east. In the end, the American transcontinental railroad created a national market, enabling mass production, and stimulated industry, while greatly impacting American society through stimulated immigration and urbanization.
middle of paper ... ... Second, the railroad created hundreds of thousands of new jobs for both railroad workers and miners. Third, the railroads boosted England’s agricultural and fishing industries, which could transport their products to distant cities. Finally, by making travel easier, railroads encouraged people to take distant city jobs.