Essay On Strategic Quality Management

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Research Title: Measuring the Linkages Between Strategic Training and Total Quality Management

This research contains the linkages between strategic training and total quality management. Strategic training is one of the most effective tools that create a concept of strategic quality management (SQM). As stated by Grivin (1988), suitable strategic operational moves can take the organizations towards better quality check, quality control and assurance. An organization must strive so as to effectively cover the value stream gaps. These gaps, if not properly addressed on time, …show more content…

That’s where the role of lean manufacturing emerges, Bodek,( 2004).Lean manufacturing enables an organization to have a continuous improvement in production leading to lowering the cost with better quality.

According to Feigenbaum (1990) quality management practices create a link between SQM and employees ‘performance results in formation of a competitive edge for an organization. The success at an operational level can only be attainable by having a proper designed technology and sufficient exploitation of human resources with a given capacity. The sustainable competitive advantage requires capitalizing in employees by developing required strategic training programs.

Hackman R. J. (1995) stressed upon the principles of customer focus strategy and training. The strategy leads to attain the best value proposition to satisfy the end consumer .

Hence there is a dire need to be addressed by the linkages between strategic training and TQM so that the results of strategic training would come up as a better manufacturing efficiency with least possibility of waste or …show more content…

Sample Size:

Method of Data Collection & Procedure:

Questionnaires will be designed for the purpose of data collection from target population through
Random sampling technique.

Instrument/s of Data Collection: Close ended questionnaires will be used for the purpose of data analysis and the reliability of the questionnaires will be checked by using SPSS.

Statistical Tests to be used:

Multiple Linear Regression (MLR) technique will be the best suitable technique for the purpose of data analysis by using SPSS.

Possible Research Findings:

The related literature provides the basis for the possible research findings. This indicates that there will be a higher chance of a positive link between strategic training and total quality

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