Trail Of Crumbs Research Paper

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A Trail of Crumbs In many fairy tales a part may be included that is about a trail of crumbs. The Grimm’s fairy tale Hansel and Gretel includes a popular concept in most fairy tales, the trail of crumbs. The author Louise Murphy echoed this concept in her book The True Story of Hansel and Gretel. It affected the characters in this novel because Hansel was leaving the trail of breadcrumbs so that their stepmother could find them. Gretel thought that it was a dumb idea because they barely had enough bread to survive on so she did not think it was smart of Hansel to do. However, Gretel states “But the law was the law. It was his bread. No one else could eat it, and if he chose to waste it she guessed it was his right…”. If this wasn’t the law than Gretel may have stepped in and picked up the bread but she could not because she was not going to break the law. Bread, being the food of the poor and a basic life-sustaining food In many stories and fairytales the idea that bread is what the poor survive off is common and comes up in many stories and fairytales. In The True Story of Hansel and Gretel the Jewish people are thought of as the poor people and tend to not have as much money and opportunity as the This is echoed in the novel towards the end of the book when she was shot. The element can be seen that it is echoed because it discusses how the stepmother dies just like in the fairy tale. It has a negative effect on the kids in the novel.The kids were beginning to like her more and she began to like the kids more also. The characters in this novel were already going through a hard time with the war and fearing for their life every day, and a death of a family member occurred. The death traumatized the kids more than they already were with everything they had been through and the

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