Making the choice to attend college is not as simple as it might sound. Many factors need to be considered before making a decision about attending college. The factors that one should consider are expenses, future wages, job stability, benefits, risks, and other options. If someone has the funds to go to college, they most likely will see huge benefits later in life. Most people can find a college option that is affordable, with some schools cheaper than others. On average, 4 year public schools cost $26,000 per year, and $104,000 for a 4 year degree. A private for-profit school costs $32,000 per year, and $128,000 for a 4 year degree on average (Andrews). Different types of schools cost more than others, which someone should consider. Going to …show more content…
These schools provide quality training in a specific field of work (Staff Writers). A trade school will help you get a better job than just graduating high school, but still not as good as going to college. They offer a very specific area to study and develop skills. Choosing to go to a trade school leads to more experience and makes it significantly easier to get into jobs in that field. While this option is still clearly better than simply graduating high school and getting a job, it has limitations. Trade schools often take less than two years to complete, as opposed to four years for a bachelor's degree. Trade schools on average cost about $30,000 for an entire education, while the cheapest colleges (in-state public schools) on average cost about $90,000 for an entire education (Staff Writers). Trade schools provide people with the skills they need to do well in a very specific field of work. College degrees are clearly more expensive and take longer. Trade schools are a great option for someone who is unable to go to college for money related reasons. They offer quality careers, but do not set people up for as much success as going to college
In America, there are numerous colleges, universities, trade schools and technical schools. Some cause financial problems, some you’ll spend lots of time such as 4 to 6+ years and some you won’t. Community colleges are only 36% of the tuition and fees at a 4-year college/university, which make it more affordable than a traditional college (Snyder 1). They only last two years if you are a full-time student. Community colleges are the step brothers of four-year universities. They were placed within communities for local education that people can have easier access to. Also, you can get your bachelor’s degree faster if attended and transfer to a four-year college. Nevertheless, community colleges are on the rise since it is a shorter time period,
But what many high school students don’t consider is how they are going to afford it. Many students believe that the well known schools will lead to a better job. Yet many second–year college students start to feel financial anxieties about paying for college, especially students who are taking loans to stay at private schools that cost close to $40,000 a year. Students...
"Trade School vs. College - What You Need to Know." North American Trade Schools Trade School vs College Comments. N.p., n.d. Web. 24 Jan. 2014
There are many differences between a traditional 4-year college and a 2-year community college. It has been shown that those who earn a high school degree or higher earn significantly more, so getting a college degree can greatly improve your quality of life. A 4-year school is the traditional option, and is highly respected by employers. However, college prices have risen greatly in recent years, making community college a more favorable choice. Community colleges provide cheaper secondary education, nearly free here in Oregon, and not having debt can be a great benefit, but they generally only provide 2-year degrees, which are less respected by employers. In addition to these two options, there are also trade schools, which are designed to
Society categorizes people into job classes, such as, “getting your hands dirty”. Trade school members are viewed at the bottom, the jobs nobody wants, but in reality these trade school graduates are making close to the amount of money as those who accept an overpriced education. Source D claims, “Tuition numbers can be eye-popping, and student debt has increased significantly.” Those who come from ungifted families, trade school seem to appear as a golden ticket. Not saying they can’t go to a university to become a doctor, but they would come out with an immense amount of
The school district of philadelphia is pushing all the students to go to college but is that really the best option for some .. Not all students are interested of going to college like me. There is a second choice other than going to college which is trade school. Why would you want to spend your time studying and working hard on something you have no interest in? If you’re into cars the best option is going to an automotive school.
Trade School VS College Education Daniel Clemmer Mrs. Miller English 12 22 March 2024 Originality Score Trade VS College Education Many people believe going to college is the only path toward a steady and rewarding career nowadays. Things to consider would be the cost of tuition, classes, and exams, how stressful it is, and whether they would be able to fit in and make friends or not. No one is wrong because that’s a scary thing. People also say that we should wait and think about other opportunities out there.
Is a college education really worth over thousands of dollars each year? I have no idea, but being a high school student, this worries me because I have to actually start thinking about which college I want to go to and especially if it’s affordable for me. Most people who attend colleges take student loans and end up paying their debts for most of their life and I don’t want to be one of those peoples. If college was free, it would be so helpful to me because it wouldn’t cause me as much stress knowing if I’m taking the wrong courses or anything. A free college education would also help me be able to find my career so much easier without spending thousands of dollars for classes I’m not interested in before finding the one I really want to have a career in.
Typically, a four year college nowadays would cost approximately $23,890 per year. ( Because college is so expensive to get into, students often have to rely on scholarships. Some ways to earn scholarships are being in athletics, involved within the school, involved within the community, good grades, and a certain GPA. There are many more ways to obtain a scholarship but those are the ones most likely to get someone into a good college.
According to the New York Times, “Today the college degree is the new high school diploma” (New York Times). The average cost of going to a public college would be 18,390 dollars per year, whereas the average cost of going to a private college would be 40,920 dollars per year. Leaving the average student with around 30,000 dollars of debt after four years of schooling. With prices like these, some students aren't able to further their education past high school, causing them to have difficulty finding a stable career in today's economy. Despite belief that college should be for those who can access and afford it, it should be equal and open to anyone who wishes to receive a college education, because college furthers your learning and it what sets you up for
For example, trade schools, community colleges, or apprenticeships are financially better options for countless young adults. Sadly, they are not pushed upon high school students as much as four year universities are. Some might object that they are not pushed upon high school students because they are not as beneficial in the eyes of many compared to four year colleges. However, the fact that these options are not talked about can be the cause of someone not attending any form of college or post high school education at all. Trade schools and apprenticeships provide hands on approaches to education which may have a greater impact on a certain demographic of students who find themselves bored in traditional classroom settings.
Over the past few decades’ education costs have soared to all time highs, and are projected to rise even more in the coming years. According to the College Board, the average annual cost of tuition and fees at an in-state public university for the 2015/16 school year was $9,410, and for an out-of state public university was $23,893. Private universities were much more expensive with an average cost of $32,405. These totals still do not include the cost of room and board which averaged from $8,003 to $11,516. The high costs of education in the United States often hits the middle class the hardest, since they can not afford to pay the full amount, but do not qualify for many subsidies. Some students are lucky enough to get substantial scholarships,
These days it’s harder than ever to make it to college and after you get debt after debt to repay the loans you owe. Even with any type of scholarship, it is expensive to still go to school. On average statistics show that a private college can cost around $34,740 a year for a lower end school and a public can be $9,970 a year says college analysts Matt Patton.
In doing this project it showed me how much more a private college costs rather than a public college which is why I have decided that I would much rather go to a public college rather than a private college. All of the colleges that are private schools cost $10,000 dollars more than all of the public colleges The public colleges include: The University of Alabama, The University of South Carolina, and The University of Clemson. The private colleges include The University of Southern California, The University of Duke, and The University of Baylor. While researching my six colleges I noticed that if I want to go to a college which I am going to be able to pay off easily later in my life I am going to need to go to a cheap college because I am trying to get a degree in Occupational Therapy which is not one of the highest paying careers for the costs of the degree so I am most likely going to a public college unless I were to somehow get a full ride to a private
Both public and private colleges offer financial assistance for those students. In fact, several students support their studies through different financial aid’ programs. According to U.S. Department of Education, about 75 percent of all full- time students received some type of financial aid; fifty percent of those students took loans, 62 percent qualify for grants, and forty percent remained fortunate to acquire both the grants and loans. For public four -year institutions the average’s tuition and fees was $5,400.While for private four-year institutions the average’s tuition and fees was $18,400 (“Three-Quarters of Full-Time Students Receive Financial Aid.”). Equally, public and private colleges and universities accept financial assistance from FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid).