College Should Be Free Essay

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According to the New York Times, “Today the college degree is the new high school diploma” (New York Times). The average cost of going to a public college would be 18,390 dollars per year, whereas the average cost of going to a private college would be 40,920 dollars per year. Leaving the average student with around 30,000 dollars of debt after four years of schooling. With prices like these, some students aren't able to further their education past high school, causing them to have difficulty finding a stable career in today's economy. Despite belief that college should be for those who can access and afford it, it should be equal and open to anyone who wishes to receive a college education, because college furthers your learning and it what sets you up for …show more content…

According to Public College Tuition Should be Free, Just Like High School, “ Students clearly recognize the value of more than 12 years of schooling. More than 90% of high school students expect to at least start college; 70% expect to earn a degree” (Kingsley, D. S. Vance, Noelle). There are 90 percent of students who want to further their education beyond high school, however, only 65.9 percent actually can do so. Obstacles, such as money are standing in the way. With college tuition being free, the number of students who actually attend and receive a degree would skyrocket past the current 65.9 percent. In the world today, having a college degree is almost necessary for survival. “Sixteen years of schooling is no longer a privilege for the elite as it once may have been; it is a vital necessity for individuals and for the society, and the United States needs to recognize this and start providing publicly funded education for 16 years” (Kingsley, D. S. Vance, Noelle). Creating free college tuition for students would revolutionize the world today, as there would be more educated and experienced

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