Making College Free

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According to Trade Schools, Colleges and Universities “Many of America's top-performing high school students never apply to the most challenging colleges and universities even though they have the ability to succeed at them. They often come from minority and low-income households and end up pursuing more affordable, less-selective schools instead.” College can be a burden to many students in a variety of different ways, but the most common reason is due to funds. Making college free for students will help this problem by increasing jobs in the work industry that require degrees, they should be affordable to all people at all cost, as well as the funds should be completely cut off because it would increase jobs and help America's economy grow. …show more content…

First and foremost, Trade Schools, Colleges and Universities states, “After all, more and more of today's jobs are knowledge-based or require advanced technical skills. So a better-educated workforce would help fill many of the skills gaps that prevent America's economy from growing faster.” If more people attended college then there would be more jobs to fill in America’s economy. There have been droughts in America’s economy, but with free college tuition, droughts would decrease. It would not be fair that someone who could be successful at the job would not be granted the ability to get the job because they don’t have a piece of paper with a signature on it compared to someone who does average or mediocre at the job and had the opportunity to go to college. Making college free also comes with consequences. So graduation numbers might drop, or the people who do graduate might not be as well prepared for the workforce. Also, with more people choosing to attend public colleges because of their tuition-free status, many schools might have to create wait lists or expand the ones they already have. State budgets could become strained, which might lead to cuts and decreased access to the programs that students want to take. Here is the weakness, although it benefits many students, the nation's existing …show more content…

Next year, Chile will do the same. Finland, Norway, Sweden and many other countries around the world also offer free college to all of their citizens..” Also, other countries have higher test scores than the United States of America. So shouldn’t we be following these other countries education system? The youth is going to be our future, so we want our future to be heading in the right direction. Even though people might say, public colleges and universities might become less worried about wasteful spending since they won't have to compete with other schools on cost. That could strain public budgets even further. Here is the weakness, Is a College Education Worth It? “People would have more freedom to contribute their talents, try new ideas, and pursue the lives they want if they didn't have to start off in debt or stay stuck in a low-wage job. This could lead to happier people and happier people could lead to a happier, more prosperous nation as a whole.” People would have more freedom to try new things and not have to worry about any funds. I am not disagreeing with the fact that every person wouldn’t take that their college opportunities serious, but there are students that are not in college today waiting for an opportunity for something as breathtaking

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