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Positive and negative effects of teacher-student relationships
Positive and negative effects of teacher-student relationships
Positive and negative effects of teacher-student relationships
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This artifact is a photograph of a routine toy sanitization procedure at my child-care centre. The toys that are used by the toddlers during the day are collected at the end of the day in a mesh bag and then they are sanitized. At the end of the sanitization, the toys are taken out and dried and they are ready for use for the next day. I chose this artifact as it highlights the importance of cleaning and sanitization in the daycare. It is important to have a well-planned sanitization routine as it helps in controlling the spread of infections. Infections transmits in a cycle that consists of four parts: the germs, the host, vehicle for transmission and another host (Pimento & Kernested, 2010). The germs in the cycler can be found at any place …show more content…
Toys used for play by children can become a source of indirect transmission for germs. In addition, young children often put the toys in the mouth. Any time a child puts a toy in their mouth, it is important to pick it up and put it away before another children puts it in their mouth. This strategy reflects best practice because as ECEs we are taking precautions to prevent germ transmission in young children. Young children don’t understand their personal hygiene yet very well and we as adults can sure that their health is protected and transmission of illnesses prevented. I learnt a lot about health and hygiene at my placement. It impacted my learning positively, as I am now always aware and take necessary steps to make sure that surfaces and toys are clean, sanitized and any mouthed toys are put away immediately in a mesh bag for sanitization. I try to be a good role model for children by following hygienic practices in the classroom and this helps to solidify my knowledge on hygiene and health that I learnt in my …show more content…
In this picture, I am working one to one with a toddler on a planned activity. This planned activity was designed to develop cognitive and language skills in the child. I chose this artifact as it shows the how I am building an engaging relationship with the toddler. I was beside the toddler to help him through the activity. I kept engaging the toddler while he was performing the activity. I used positive wording and guidance to help the toddler overcome any challenge he faced when doing the activity. During the first couple days at my place toddler, “L” used to stay away from me. He did not like interacting with me much. But nowadays he likes to interact and participate with me in the planned activities. I like how I have build a positive, trustworthy and friendly relationship with him over the course of couple weeks. Having a positive relationship with children is an essential component as it not only helps to create competent teachers but also allows children to have better outcomes in school (Joseph & Strain). As I have observed in my case, it is true that “developing positive relationships with adults is a difficult task… adults should consider that they will need to devote extensive effort to relationship building” (Joseph & Strain, p. 2). I believe I was able to build that positive relationship by listening to the child, being understanding when they were having difficulty doing an activity and supporting
In order to build relationship with children, we will need to adapt our behaviour and communication accordingly.
There are many ways which help build rapport with children and young people. One of them is to ensure to actively listen to what they are saying. There may be times were you unintentionally brush aside what a child is saying perhaps it is because you are preoccupied or tired, however, even this can be enough to make a child feel unvalued. Being responded to appropriately reinforces a child's self-esteem. This will in turn help build a trusting relationship. Talking with children, asking and answering questions also helps build their language skills. If pupils are distressed and need to talk about it, they will more likely open up to the person who has made them feel that they have a voice. This is why it is very important to build a respectful and trusting relationship with students, as it can have an impact on most areas of development.
Better infection control practices and hand washing techniques utilized by the general population help to reduce the incidences of easily avoidable conditions, such as impetigo caused by staphylococcal and streptococcal infections. It may be beneficial for public health departments to recommend teachers to teach students on how to properly wash hands and clean high contact fomites.
The focus of health care is and has always been, practicing good hygiene, living a healthy lifestyle, and having a positive attitude reduces the chance of getting ill. Although there is not much prevention we can take for some of the diseases but we can certainly practice good hand hygiene to prevent infection and its ill effects. Research proves that hand washing is surely the most easy and effective way to prevent infection in health care. The question for this research: Is Hand washing an effective way to prevent infection in health care? It led to the conclusion that due to the high acuity, high patient: staff ratio, and lack of re evaluation certain units in the health care facilities cannot adhere to correct hand washing guidelines. Hand
This literature review will analyze and critically explore four studies that have been conducted on hand hygiene compliance rates by Healthcare workers (HCWs). Firstly, it will look at compliance rates for HCWs in the intensive care units (ICU) and then explore the different factors that contribute to low hand hygiene compliance. Hospital Acquired infections (HAI) or Nosocomial Infections appear worldwide, affecting both developed and poor countries. HAIs represent a major source of morbidity and mortality, especially for patients in the ICU (Hugonnet, Perneger, & Pittet, 2002). Hand hygiene can be defined as any method that destroys or removes microorganisms on hands (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2009). According to the World Health Organization (2002), a HAI can be defined as an infection occurring in a patient in a hospital or other health care facility in whom the infection was not present or incubating at the time of admission. The hands of HCWs transmit majority of the endemic infections. As
Disinfecting toys, surfaces, utensils, and bedding should be part of a regular routine in order to prevent the spread of germs which can cause illness.
Whitby, M., Pessoa-Silva, C., Mclaws, M., Allegranzi, B., Sax, H., Larson, E., Seto, W., Donaldson, L. & Pittet, D. (2007). Behavioural considerations for hand hygiene practices: the basic building blocks. Journal Of Hospital Infection, 65 (1), pp. 113-114. 1--8.
The child care centre owners and staff play an significant role in protecting children from, and minimizing the impact of infection and illness. The follow their preventive measures to maintain the health status of children’s. Child care centers need good controls and help reduce the number of infections. A good infection control programs is one that everyone follows all the time. Training is given to owners and workers to consider the approach becomes normal team. The child care centre team establish some guidelines and procedures for workers, public, and parents of children’s which are as follows:
Medical asepsis plays an integral role in infection control within a health care facility. It includes procedures used to decrease and prevent direct contact with blood or bodily fluids and emphasizes keeping the environment clean on a regular basis (Curchoe, Astle, & Hobbs, 2014). In order to achieve optimal health, individuals depend on practices and techniques that control and ultimately prevent the transmission of infection. These practices and techniques can help avoid the transmission of infections by creating an environment that protects both health care workers and patients from communicable diseases. Good hand hygiene has been stressed as the single most important measure to prevent cross-infection to patients in health care facilities
The teacher student relationship is very important for children. Children spend approximately 5 to 7 hours a day with a teacher for almost 10 months. We ask ourselves what is considered a good teacher? All of us have gone through schooling, and if fortunate had a favorite teacher. A positive relationship between the student and the teacher is difficult to establish, but can be found for both individuals at either end. The qualities for a positive relationship can vary to set a learning experience approachable and inviting the students to learn. A teacher and student who have the qualities of good communications, respect in a classroom, and show interest in teaching from the point of view of the teacher and learning from a student will establish
It discusses how children are born with that needs to connect with individuals around them. Teachers and providers create positive relationship with children from birth through the early years. The foundation for that healthy social and emotional development because it affects her children see the world, express themselves, manages their emotions, in establishing a positive relationship with others. There were several areas of development that included social interactions that focus on the relationship that we share and include relationship with adults and peers. Emotional awareness recognized and understands your feelings and actions of other people, and self-regulation where you have that ability to express your thoughts, feelings, and behavior in a socially appropriate way. There were many tips that were listed when working with infants from talking and reading, having that warm, responsive, and consistent care, maintaining predictable routines, and getting to know each child while following their lead. The importance of supporting children and developing social skills is critical for learning, happiness, and long-term. This development begins during infancy and can be supported through simple social games, emotional role model, and imitating an infant's facial expression and sounds. The importance of social-emotional development and toddlers makes an impact in a child life when these skills are developed starting in infancy. Encouraging positive behaviors and using positive discipline practices that helped to develop the ability to make good choices as well as recognizing the confidence that is built when these behaviors are repeated. This is a process for young children to learn these behaviors always remembering that a patient response will help especially when the behaviors are
Using good hand hygiene is a start to making sure the patient environment is safe. “Handwashing is a fundamental principle and practice in the prevention, control, and reduction of healthcare-acquired infections” (Bjerke, 2004, p. 1). Hand hygiene aids in infection control, being as most hospital acquired infections are due to improper or absence of hand hygiene. Fox, Wavra, Drake, Mulligan, Jones, Bennett, and Bader (2015) suggest that 2.5 million deaths occur from hospital-acquired infections and of those deaths, 90,000 were preventable if the workers in healthcare would have used proper hand hygiene. Piece of mind is a mutual benefit of using hand hygiene in the healthcare setting. A nurse benefits from using hand hygiene because it would reduce the risk of that nurse contaminating other patients when going from patient room to patient room. A patient benefits from using hand hygiene because it reduces the risk of that patient spreading infection from one part of the body to another. Piece of mind is the benefit for knowing that patients and nurses are protected in healthcare facilities by using hand hygiene. Patients and nurses will benefit from using hand hygiene because it is a simple way to aid in keeping the individual healthy. The hands carry many germs and constant adherence to good hand hygiene will decrease the risk of people catching illnesses and contaminating shared surfaces (door handles, tables, and
Keeping our hands clean is a significant precaution everyone should take to avoid spreading germs and to prevent illness. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention article, Handwashing: Clean Hands Save Lives, (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention , 2013) it states, “Handwashing is like a "do-it-yourself" vaccine.” Nurses are in a perfect position to teach handwashing to anyone; including patients, family, and friends. Improper hand hygiene is responsible for the spread of germs and sickness as well. It is never too late to learn and develop good habits to ensure prevention of illness. Because of this the teaching subject of this paper was an individual with a dehisced abdominal wound. He was responsible for changing the wet and dry dressings on his wound after discontinuation of a negative pressure wound therapy device. The subject is a 22 year old Caucasian male from a middle-class American family, in which he has a strong relationship with. He falls within Erikson’s growth and developmental stage of Intimacy versus Isolation. The young man is involved in a romantic relationship and is a bit self conscious of his incision and the scar that will remain. He is concerned about proper healing of the wound and prevention of infection. The subject shows interest in learning proper techniques and prevention measures to ensure against this possibility. The composer of this paper hopes to teach by demonstrating the proper approach to aid him in his current circumstance, as well as the importance of the subject at hand and have him mirror the technique. To assess the need for learning, he was asked several questions about his hand washing practices. This individual had a basic understanding that...
The teacher student relationship is very important for children. Children spend approximately 5 to 7 hours a day with a teacher for almost 10 months. We ask ourselves what is considered a good teacher? All of us have gone through schooling, and if fortunate had a favorite teacher. A positive relationship between the student and the teacher is difficult to establish, but can be found for both individuals at either end. The qualities for a positive relationship can vary to set a learning experience approachable and inviting the students to learn. A teacher and student who have the qualities of good communications, respect in a classroom, and show interest in teaching from the point of view of the teacher and learning from a student will establish a positive relationship in the classroom. I will be focusing on the relationship between the student and teacher, involving a setting in the primary grades, which I have found second grade to be extremely important for the student to gain a positive attitude for their future education.
Telling your child's hobbies, pets, as well as learning difficulties and strengths will provide for a more intimate school year (Spencer, 2001). One of the ways in which parents play a critical role in their children?s social development is by encouraging their interactions with other youth (Updegraff, 2001). If children are able to work in group settings, this will not only help the child get along with other students, but it will also lessen the amount of disruptions in class thereby making it easier for the teacher to teach (Barbour, 1997). Parents need to stress the importance of little things your child can do to smooth the teacher?s day and help himself learn, such as listening when classmates answer questions, writing his name on assignments, and keeping his desk and work area tidy (Spencer, 2001). Parents can help your children avoid interrupting. Teachers love enthusiasm but yelling out too often will cause unneeded disruptions. Explain the good times to speak, such as when the teacher is inviting questions and the not so good times, such as when the teacher is talking to another student or giving directions (Spencer, 2001). Practicing these classroom manners will help with less disruptions and a better teaching and learning environment. Parental involvement promotes emotional growth of a child. The attachment between a child and parent is a long-lasting, emotional, learned response. It is the attachment in a parent and child relationship that forms the basis for a child to trust or not to trust their environment (Gestwicki, 2000). This proper attachment is essential for a child to trust other adults, such as their teachers and also to trust other students and make friends.