Hand Washing Prevention Essay

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The focus of health care is and has always been, practicing good hygiene, living a healthy lifestyle, and having a positive attitude reduces the chance of getting ill. Although there is not much prevention we can take for some of the diseases but we can certainly practice good hand hygiene to prevent infection and its ill effects. Research proves that hand washing is surely the most easy and effective way to prevent infection in health care. The question for this research: Is Hand washing an effective way to prevent infection in health care? It led to the conclusion that due to the high acuity, high patient: staff ratio, and lack of re evaluation certain units in the health care facilities cannot adhere to correct hand washing guidelines. Hand …show more content…

There can never be enough emphasis on its teaching in school, communities, colleges, hospitals, clinics etc. There are a lot of journal articles, books and research material available to support this easy prevention technique. Rachel Barrett and Jacqueline Randle (2008) in their journal, Hand hygiene practices: nursing students perceptions, state that “Hands of healthcare workers and patients are therefore a primary cause for the transmission of infections by both endogenous and exogenous spread” (Para. 1). This is a relevant point which must be highlighted in every study material and teaching plans by the tutors in healthcare settings. Without proper hand hygiene it not possible to decrease the ill effects of infections spread through contact. The authors further discuss that other standard precautions should be kept in mind as those are important too. For example, while doing dressing change or assessing the pressure ulcer it is crucial to wear gloves as hand washing alone would not be enough to protect from contamination. However, the main point to remember is that gloves should not be used as a substitute for hand …show more content…

The writer observed different units of a hospital on two consecutive days from 7:00AM to 4:00 PM. The research findings were then organized in table form and conclusion was drawn. The things that I observed and thought will best fit to answer the research question are: if healthcare providers were washing hands effectively in the beginning of shift and at the end of the shift? Are they washing hands the same way at the beginning and end of shift? , how often are they washing hands? How much time does it take for them to perform hand washing? Are they washing hands every time they take their gloves off? Are they washing hands between each patient care, are they closing the faucet with a paper towel? This gave enough information to draw conclusions and to further compare the

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