Tourism in an LEDC Is Likely To Generate As Many Costs as Benefits
Tourists flock to destinations for two main reasons, to see either primary or secondary resources. Primary resources are sites and places that where not built for the sole use of tourism, this also includes natural features such as beaches and places of outstanding natural beauty. Secondary resources are any features that pull tourists into a country and where built with that aim, for instance theme parks and attractions (these are more common in Developed Countries due to the large capital required to build them). Tourism is now the worlds biggest industry, one in which every country in the world wants to play a part in. unfortunately
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In this essay I will show both benefits and costs that can come from tourism in Ledc's using a wide variety of examples and techniques. My aim is to prove that tourism has as many drawbacks as benefits and cannot be solely relied upon for economic stability.
Kenya is well known world wide for its extensive nature/game reserves, these spectacular natural features come under many threats, hunting, agriculture and tourism all take there toll on the fragile environment. Tourism in Kenya is a $600,000,000 industry and supports over 175,000 jobs. This is Kenya's largest source of income. The tourist industry thrives in Kenya, large amounts of visitors come to see the reserves, relax on the white sandy beaches and swim amongst the coral. 50% of Kenya's population is below the poverty line, and with 75% of the population based in agriculture it is easy to see why. The tourist industry although it only employs a small percentage of the population provides the largest income. Since the early 1980's tourist developments have shot up all over the coast in Kenya, supporting tourists who wish to spend there holiday on the beach
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These services are paid for through taxes paid by ecotourists; causing less leakage and a large proportion of funds to go back into the Kenyans economy (government revenue).
Ecotourists aim to support the constant preservation of the natural environment, saving the wildlife, especially the top 5 (protected species) from hunters. This is done by using appropriate technology and conservational management in game reserves as well as on the coral reefs. Practices outside of ecotourism have no limit to the number of people allowed to visit such sites and do not patrol what tourists do to the environment. An example is a single area of coral reef has been known to support 18 boats of tourists per hour, these boats also all use anchors that rip up the coral. Areas managed by ecotourists developments have a limit on the number of people that can visit the areas per day, if this number is exceeded the tours are cancelled. Mooring poles are also placed meaning anchors are not used
... This example shows how there are two sides to the story and this can
Stabler, M.J. Papatheodorou, A. Sinclair, M.T. (2010). The economics of tourism 2nd edition. New York: Routledge.
Strengths: This entry of the book is pretty up to date as it is published in 2017. That supports its reliability as well as its credibility. Moreover, it outlines that climate change and tourism are linked to each other and also affect each other.
Sharpley, R., and Telfer, D. J., 2002. Tourism and Development Concepts and Issues. Bristol: Channel View Publications.
New Zealand tourism is largely reliant on 'Eco-tourism' so to maintain the tourism industry it is imperative that our environment is conserved. However tourism itself can have negative effects on the environment. The tourism sector must act responsibly in its use of the environment and any use must be sustainable.
Those in favor argue that making tourism a top priority is not equivalent to increasing tourism. In this discourse it is referring to more sustainable tourism. Through careful management of tourism UNESCO and World Heritage sites aim to find ways to preserve the environment, Heritage site, while ameliorating the social status of the state and the local citizenry. As previously mentioned there are sites in danger and tourism is not without its flaws. There are numerous models that depict how tourism is effective and ways that they aren’t. The Galapagos Islands are a stark example of how a large increase in tourism can have a cascading effect. As a result of this steady increase in the number of tourism development of infrastructure has also risen2. Due to the high volume of tourist the archipelago was placed on the World Heritage danger list ....
Particularly, there is a lack of protection and controlling measures to core tourism resources such as coral reefs and forest areas, leading to some degradation such as coral removal or trampling of natural areas. As these resources are “common pool resources”, there exists the tragedy of commons when everyone try to harvest these resources as much as they can before everyone else does (Holden, 2016). Heaving relying on natural environment for tourism products, it is critical that Tourism Town should control the negative impacts of tourism on the environment for the sustainability of the industry. Thus, it is recommended that Tourism Town government put in place regulatory measures such as entry fees and permit. Delicate areas charge an entry fee on tourists to support conservation and operators need to acquire permit to operators in these areas which requires them to meet certain environmental standards and pay a fee (Eagles, McCool, Haynes, Phillips & UNEP, 2012). This would in return contribute government revenues (Eagles et al., 2012) to support
Belsoy, J. 2012, ‘Environmental Impacts of Tourism in Protected Areas’, Journal of Environmental and Earth Science, vol. 2, pp. 10.
Tourism is the one of economic and social activities that increasingly vital. Number of travellers domestic and international is increasing. In fact, several countries in present world develop tourism sectors as primary sector which generate national income. According to Salah Wahab and Cooper (2003). Tourism is also sector which involves role that mutually link between government, private sector and also public.
The green strategies initiated in the visitation to natural setting minimize degradation of the ecosystem; thus, increasing returns from tourism. The trends, in turn, can inspire stakeholders to preserve resources that benefit all. Ecological tourism also encourages less damaging ventures for profit such as bird watching, which, in turn, makes it easier encouraging conservation as the incentive to help minimize exploitation of the natural resources. The tourism also creates a platform for exchanging knowledge on preservation activities and such makes ecological conservation easier. Another way in which the tourism can benefit the people is that it facilitates utilization of returns of tourism equally thus spurring economic growth. The tourism also minimizes overexploitation of resources which contributes to the pollution of the environment. In addition to enhancing the construction of infrastructure for tourism, the funds from tourism can facilitate promotion of cultural activities that ease environmental conservation such as site
Nowadays in the rea of globalization, according to the World Tourism Organization, “seven hundred million people travelled abroad in 2003”, and the number is estimated to increase to 1.6 billion by 2020. (International Labour Organization, 2005). Tourism is spreading in unusual places. A lot of people want to be in the midst of adventure. It is a vital source of revenues for the GDP of many countries. I partially agree that tourism hugely benefits the local community. This essay will discuss some of the economic, social and environment effect of tourism on the host community.
It is a well-noted fact that tourists from the developed world, or rich western nations, are in favour of visiting unspoilt natural environments and places steeped in tradition. However, Lea (1988) regards such attractions as being a sign of underdevelopment and rarely tolerated by the host nations just because they meet with foreign approval of visitors. Instead, it is the priority of the respective governments to raise living standards to acceptable levels, which means modernisation and the implementation of various infrastructures. Nevertheless, if administered effectively mass tourism could provide a form of sustainable development by meeting the needs of the present without compromising those of the future.
Since from the ancient time, travel and tourism was one of the important social activities for the human being. Human being is always in search of new places for entertainment as well for peace. Now a days travel and tourism becomes easier due to advancement in technology. This technological advancement calls for the changes in the tourism industry which makes it rapidly growing industry of the world. The growth of this industry is become rapid due to increasing income level, increased leisure time and reduction in the cost of traveling. As large no of people travel across the world there is huge investment in this industry worldwide. Every country has sets his own standards for tourism development and try to grab the opportunity
At the present time, one of the inseparable parts of the economic growth is considered as tourism industry. Commonly, tourism is the movement of people to other places for business or leisure purposes as well as covers their activities. Holloway and Humphreys defines that the places where tourists come and spend their money are called as “tourist destinations” in other words “receiving areas”. Many countries have been improving tourism to overcome economic difficulties since it is growing fast. The industry activities have been demonstrated a general positive trend in the economy and it has already become the inherent part of economic development. In host countries, tourism has led to such positive consequences as the improved infrastructure,
The negative impacts that tourism creates can destroy the environment and all of its resources which it depends of for survival. Tourism has the prospective to create and bring useful effects on to the environment by donation the environmental protection conservation.