This study aimed to compare the antibacterial quality as well as the effectiveness of different brands of toothpastes marketed in the world, were aimed for reducing the oral bacterial amount. One brand contained triclosan and sodium fluoride as antibacterial while the several of them contained sodium fluoride only and two were herbal. The percentage bacterial reduction or increases was calculated from the differences in bacterial counts before and after brushing. There was an increase in mouth bacterial counts after the use of six brands of the toothpastes, in saliva bacterial counts after use five brands of the toothpastes and in teeth has no bacterial counts after use after using different brands of toothpastes. Teeth achieved the highest …show more content…
There are four main species in streptococci: mutans (make up bulky mainstream of what affects our mouth), salivarius, anginosus and mitis groups. In circumstance, the biggest offender in tooth decay as it encourages the production of enzymes and acids. Oral microbes help with immune system to keep the body virus free by hostile virus-producing bacteria that attempt to come in through the mouth. The microbes are conducted to a person initial in their juvenile through their touching base with their custodians by kisses of food …show more content…
Toothpaste is used to stimulate oral sanitation: it serves as a course that prevents in eliminating tooth decay and dental plaque that can cause halitosis or bad breathe, and carries an active ingredients to aid tooth and gum. Mechanical action of the toothbrush achieved most of the cleaning capacity, and not by means of toothpaste. Fluoride – containing toothpaste can be acutely toxic if swallowed in large amounts. Fluoride has been proven to protect teeth against attack from bacteria. Triclosan – A compound commonly used for disinfection is another broad-spectrum anti-bacterial agent manufactured specially used in oral care. It has been shown to be active against many organism associated with plaque, gingivitis, and bad breath. Natural toothpaste are those without triclosan or fluoride content. They usually contain natural ingredients such as special mineral salts, and plants extracts like lemon, eucalyptus, rosemary, chamomile, sage, myrrh. This aimed of this study is to identify the bacterial present in the mouth, teeth and saliva of the human and determine the quality of the toothpastes on the isolated
Streptococcus pyogenes is thought to live benignly within one in five people, and is thusly one of the most common pathogens among humans. Due to its common
o Please describe a time when you performed a thorough head, neck and oral exam and the findings had a significant impact on how you proceeded with the dental hygiene process of care. Annette was performing her usual head, neck, and oral exam on a patient and found an enlarged thyroid. She recommended to the patient that she go see her primary care physician to get a better diagnosis. The patient went to her primary care physician and was told there was probably nothing. Later, the patient returned to the dental office and saw Annette and told her what the physician said.
Based on aim 1 of the experiment, the goal is to find a connection between braces and canker sores by testing the microbiota. For this test, participants will have the oral microbiota profiled based on those with braces and those that do not have braces, with a special focus on canker sore formation. Each of the participants will have an oral examination completed before the experiment is performed and again after its conclusion, to detect any differences that could occur with canker sores. This test will se...
Periodontitis is an inflammatory condition leading to destruction of connective tissues and migration of the gingival attachment to create a pocket (1). Periodontal disease begins with bacterial growth in the mouth which leads to tooth loss if it is not treated properly. In the early stage of this disease bacteria grow in plaque, causing a swelling or inflammation in gums that can damage the tissues which surround the teeth. These changes are induced by the diffusion of bacterial products through the affected epithelium (2, 6). An inappropriate host immune response also has a role in tissue destruction in periodontitis (9).
Periodontitis results in destruction of the PDL, connective tissue and bone, which causes the creation of deep periodontal pockets between the teeth and gums. These pockets allow bacteria and plaque to thrive, resulting in the erosion of bone, and the subsequent loosening of teeth. Studies have shown that periodontitis results from a mixed infection of gram negative bacteria. These bacteria include A. actinomycetecomitans, B. forsythus, P. intermedia, T. denticola and P. gingivalis [4]. These bacteria play a role in periodontitis by colonizing plaque subgingivally, releasing toxic products (such as H2S, LPS), and activating the immune response. Activating the immune response results in the release of cytokines (such as TNF-alpha, IL-1, IFN-alpha) and prostaglandins (such as PGE2), which results in bone and tissue destruction [4]. During this stage, surgical intervention will be needed to treat the disease. The surgery may include bone or tissue grafts, open flap surgery, tissue regeneration, or tooth
Brushing your teeth twice a day only cleans twenty-five percent of the mouth at a time. It is for this reason why dentist recommend a healthy fluoride solution to be included into your daily brushing routine; this mouthwash solution will help flush away any food remnants and harmful bacteria from the hard to reach crevasses in the mouth. If this step is skipped it can lead to the formation of dental caries and gum disease, which can lead to worse things if they are not taken care of. To help stress the importance of dental hygiene, Listerine, which is a mouth wash company, released an advertisement for their cool mint flavored antiseptic mouthwash in the hopes of getting non-mouthwash users to jump on the Listerine mouthwash band wagon to proper
Dental hygienists have the responsibility to provide patients with a treatment plan centered on scientific based research. However, hygienists need to assess the credibility of the results found on scientific research reports, reviews, and the information about products and treatment modalities. Although, evidence-based practice is essential in the dental hygiene field, this is not an easy task because it requires the use of multiple studies, and the knowledge to assess their quality. In order to assess the quality of a study, a dental hygienist most understand the parts of the study, the methodology used to gather and analyze the information, and the ethics involved while conducting the study. By doing this, hygienists are able to identify
Dental professionals should promote a message that a strong biologic connection exists between oral and systemic health. Therefore, having a good understanding of oral health and systemic health is beneficial and can help you protect yourself. Streptococcus mutants, the bacteria found in periodontal infection are also the bacteria found in many of the cardiovascular diseases. This establishes a strong relationship between these two conditions.
Eliminating bacteria through good oral hygiene is not possible. The gum tissue begins pulling away from the teeth. This creates pockets that allow bacteria to build up, which leads to an infection. As your body fights the harmful bacteria, the bone and tissue holding the teeth in place begins to break down. The pockets deepen and begin filling with pus.
Molinari, J., & Hart, J. (2010). How to Choose and Use Environmental Surface Disinfectants. Cottone's Practical Infection Control in Dentistry (Third Edition ed., pp. 185- 193). Philadelphia: Wolters Kumar Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
Fluoride is the 13th most abundant element in the earth’s crust and is naturally found in soil, water, foods, and several minerals, such as fluorapatite and fluorite (Nordqvist 1). Dentists use higher levels of fluoride in the forms of gel, foam, or varnish that can be applied to the teeth for cleaning (Dental 1). Then the fluoride is directly apply to teeth through fluoridated toothpaste and mouth rinses is at a lower level for those who use it for personal use (Dental 1).
Tooth brushing techniques causing gingival trauma are a significant factor for gingival recession. The frequency, duration and force of brushing all contribute to recession. Excessive force and improper technique may lead to ...
Dental plaque is a bacterial collection with their products on the teeth or other solid oral structures, covered by a jelly-like tenacious material and it is responsible for two major dental diseases; caries and periodontal disease (Chandra, 2000). Good oral hygiene is a foundation step in the development of disease-free oral cavity of infants through adolescents (Srivastava, 2011). Plaque control is of prime importance for the prevention of these diseases and for good dental health as it helps to reduce the number of microorganisms present in the oral cavity, hence, reducing the dental plaque (Muthu and Sivakumar, 2009; Tare, 2007).
In Oroonoko, Aphra Behn narrates the tale of an African prince who along with his wife were captured and taken to Suriname. The two were later sold as slaves within the British colony (Behn, 20070. Oroonoko has a relatively well educated compare to other slaves and also hails from a superior social background. While in captivity, Oroonoko foments a revolution against his enslavers. However, the revolt is unsuccessful, and Oroonoko is executed.
Getting a good oral health can show the condition of body and reduce the getting other diseases in our body. Some reports have shown that periodontal disease has a relationship with a stroke, heart disease. Pregnant with periodontal disease also get a higher chance having low birth weight babies. Oral infections are the symptoms of some of the diseases. (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 2000)Furthermore, a survey found that the dental decay and poor oral hygiene are the potential risk factors of having pneumonia. Also, a better oral health can reduce the occurrence of pneumonia. (Azarpazhooh & Leake, 2006) Maintaining oral health not only a matter of oral, but also related to our health of whole body. In addition, people with loss of tooth may not chew food enough, which may cause the digestive problems of digestive system. People may not underestimated the importance of maintaining good oral hygiene.