Tobacco Reasons To Quit Cigarettes

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Even though some drugs are widely used and accepted by society they can still have an impact on your health. Tobacco is an addictive drug that is socially accepted in society. Tobacco is classified as a stimulant, stimulants generally speed up the messages between the brain and body making one more alert to their surroundings. Tobacco is a very addictive drug and generally effects a lot of people financially Reasons people smoke tobacco are due to peer pressure and trying to fit in whilst others get addicted. Continuously smoking tobacco can affect your health majorly both short term and long term. Although 1000’s of people use tobacco regularly there are different strategies being used to reduce the amount of smokers in society.

PARAGRAPH 1 – influences of drug use
Majority of people who smoke tobacco claim are …show more content…

To Help Australians quit smoking there are many thing you can change about your lifestyle such as changing you routine, and each day reducing the amount of cigarettes you smoke, it is also good to change you environment considering if you live and spend most of your time around others that smoke. Nicotine and other replacement products can also prevent you and help you quit as they make cravings less strong. A lot of smokers who are aiming to quite use different campaigns such as ‘get off cigarettes, NSW government’. Get off Cigarettes campaign was originally developed by the Department of Health UK and has been adapted by the cancer institute NSW to highlight the range of support services to Australians (cancer institute, NSW). 1 in 4 smokers have tried to reduce their smoking habits more than 10 times whilst those who attempt to quit only a small percentage succeed. Different strategies will work for different people and will take different time depending on whether the smoker is heavy and how long she or he has been smoking

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