Thesis Statement For Identity Theft Essay

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21. What are the ramifications of identity theft? What are some forms of legislation that are being discussed in terms of deterring this form of theft? (388 – 389 / R14 – R15)

Thesis Statement: Identity theft is a visibly large crime; someone quietly steals your identity and uses it for financial gain. At first , many victims suffer from emotional effects as victims of violent crimes, ranging from anxiety all the way to volatility.

Questions to ask:
What exactly is identity theft?
Identity theft and identity fraud are both terms used to refer to all types of crime in which someone can wrongfully obtain and use another person's personal information and data in some way that involves fraud or deception, typically for their economic gain.
Many …show more content…

If you chose not to place a fraud alert, use the Annual Credit Report Request Service to obtain a free copy from each CRA. Federal law mandates that one free report from each CRA is available once every 12 months. You can request your credit report online or by calling (877) 322-8228.

Please note: Don’t rush to take this step if the ID theft event happened recently. Creditors may only report to the CRAs monthly. If you discovered credit-related ID theft right as it happened, wait 30 days or more before ordering a report so you don’t miss something that hasn’t been reported yet.
10. Don’t Ignore the Activity
You must take action to prove you are the victim and that you are not the party responsible for the suspicious activity in question.
How are victims affected by identity theft?
First, many victims suffer financial stress. Second, identity theft victims may experience similar emotional effects as victims of violent crimes, ranging from anxiety to emotional volatility. ... But it's often the hidden costs that can be devastating, such as the emotional toll of identity theft.
A Lasting Impact: The Emotional Toll of Identity Theft - Equifax 3 Google books:
Identity Theft For

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