Theme Of Animalism In Animal Farm

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Animal Farm, a novel by George Orwell, is a fable written to portray that a state of utopia can never be achieved. Orwell uses farm animals to allegorically represent a time in history when this is most true: the Russian Revolution. Readers follow the animals of Animal Farm, as they rebel against their master, Mr. Jones, and turn the farm into their own. A community of Animalism is achieved, where the animals work for themselves and no one but themselves. They quickly develop the maxim “four legs good, two legs bad” (Orwell 34) and come to the conclusion that “all animals are equal” (11). However, because of they way the animals put full trust into their leader, Napoleon, a pig, is able to bend the rules to his liking, not necessarily …show more content…

At the beginning of the novel, readers find themselves alongside the animals in a secret meeting discussing the cruelty and mistreatment that comes from Mankind. An elder boar, Old Major, speaks to the animals about their laborious lives: “No animal in England knows the meaning of happiness or leisure after he is one year old,” He proclaims, “No animal in England is free. The life of an animal is misery and slavery: that is the plain truth” (7). He goes on to declare that none of this would be true if only Man were not their leader, for Man is the one that causes all of this harm. Despite this speech being the basis of the revolution, the promises of equality and justice that are supposed to come hand-in-hand with the exile of Man, do not surface. The situation instead worsens; longer hours of work and less food are the new reality, yet Napoleon tells the animals otherwise. He reminds them of the days that conceived of Man, and tells exaggerated stories of their former life. The animals have no choice but to believe Napoleon, for their full trust is put into him. However, as Napoleon gains more and more power, he begins to resemble the rival of the farm: Man. In chapter ten, he invites local farm owners to Animal Farm for a drink, an act that would once be looked down upon. The rest of the animals see this happen, and disappointment leaks in. “They “[look] from pig to man, and from man …show more content…

Satire is used to ridicule these animals for not voicing their opinion, even when they sense any wrongdoings committed by Napoleon. Benjamin, a donkey and the oldest animal on the farm, displays this quality. In chapter five, the animals are debating building a windmill for the farm. Every animal takes a side, except Benjamin. Orwell notes that Benjamin “[refuses] to believe that either food [will] become more plentiful or that the windmill [will] save work. Windmill or no windmill, he [says], life [will] go on as it [has] always gone on--that is, badly” (50-51). Despite this revelation by Benjamin, he decides to not speak up, even if it will mean betterment for the farm. He instead lets the rest of the farm argue, which leads to the violent event in which Snowball is exiled. Later in the novel, Napoleon calls an urgent meeting in which everyone is to attend. Instead of the regular event of issuing work or food out to the animals, the meeting takes a nasty turn. Blood is spilt, as one by one, the animals are forced to confess crimes they have committed. If the offense is severe enough, Napoleon orders his guard dogs to tear the throats out of the accused. The scene of bloodshed is described: “And so the tale of confessions and executions [goes] on, until there [is] a pile of corpses lying before Napoleon’s feet, and the air [is]

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