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Consequences of teenage pregnancy essay
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The war against Planned Parenthood has escalated in the past 5 year by anti abortion/Pro life groups. They view Planned Parenthood as a place that is against their religion, kill innocent children, and hook teens to sex for their business. "Planned Parenthood is one of the most insidious organizations in the country," says Ann Scheidler, co-founder of the Pro-Life Action League. "Ever since its founding, it has sought to undermine the integrity of the family, to facilitate immoral behavior … and to lead teenagers into really risky behavior. It 's largely responsible for the breakdown of morality in the country" (Mendoza, 2). This can all be found on a website called stopp.org. It is an website for an Pro-life christian organization and their plan to stop Planned Parenthood. On another anti Planned Parenthood website they wrote,
Do you know that there is a holocaust going on worldwide right now? We are not talking about war, crime or political oppression. Those are miniscule by comparison. The biggest human rights abuse on earth today is the killing of little children while they still live in the womb - commonly referred to as abortion.
On July 14, 2015, a Pro Life group called Center for Medical Progress released videos “proving” that Planned Parenthood profits from selling aborted parts of fetal tissue. It portrayed a Planned Parenthood official callously discussing how to abort a fetus while preserving its organs for medical research to two anti-abortion activists posing as scientists (Somashekhar & Paquette, 2015). In August, a private research company concluded that the videos were deceptively edited and did not “present a complete or accurate record of the events they purport to depict” (Calmes, 2015).” Even these alle...
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...ntrol. Medicaid would cover some of those births, the report asserts, and some of those children would qualify for Medicaid and other welfare programs. The office’s math: Halting federal funds to Planned Parenthood would shrink spending by $520 million in the short run -- but, over the first decade, it would cost taxpayers an additional $650 million.
If Planned Parenthood is defunded so many repercussions could be detrimental. Teen pregnancy rates will go up, STD’S will rise and illegal and unsafe abortion deaths could rise. When the Planned Parenthood was shut down in Indiana, Scott County experienced an HIV outbreak. Planned Parenthood was the county 's sole HIV testing center, and as a result of intravenous drug use, it saw an explosion of the disease in 2015. There were over 150 new cases reported in the tiny county of 23,000, according to the Chicago Tribune
There is a common misconception that Planned Parenthood is a center for abortions, and that is it. The truth is, only three percent of Planned Parenthood’s services relate to abortions. Planned Parenthood receives $500 million in federal funding and it is illegal to spend any of that money on abortion services. In CNN ’s article, "Planned Parenthood, by the Numbers”, there are clear statistics about how Planned Parenthood manages the money they receive and how a majority of their work focuses on
Planned Parenthood is non-profit and has been around for over fifty years. Planned Parenthood offers many services to women, other than abortions. A few of the services offered to women are free health care, such as anemia testing, cholesterol screening, physical exams for employees and for sports, flu vaccinations, aid in quitting smoking, high blood pressure testing, tetanus vaccinations, and thyroid screening. The many other services they offer include free birth control, emergency contraception, testing for STD’s (Sexually Transmitted Diseases), breast cancer screenings, cervical cancer screenings, pelvic exams, free information to women, and a number of other things.(“General Health”) Under the Hyde amendment that passed in 1976, there has been a legislative provision prohibiting the use of certain federal funds to pay for abortion unless the pregnancy arises from incest, rape, or to save the life of the mother. During the fiscal year that ended in June 2014, Planned Parenthood affiliates around the country received $528.4 million in government funds. It has been estimated that 42 percent of their services went towards STD/STI testing and treatment, 34 percent went to contraceptive, 11 percent to women's health services, 9 percent to cancer screenings and prevention, 3 percent to abortion, and 1 percent to other services. This 9 minute video
During a time in which white supremacy was being challenged by an ever-increasing African population, a woman named Margaret Sanger “sought to purify America’s breeding stock and purge America’s bad stains” (Planned Parenthood). She set out to establish the American Birth Control League, which eventually became the Planned Parenthood Federation of America (PPFA). Sanger’s actions provoked much controversy because at the time not only was contraception illegal in the United States, but it was denounced by almost every major religious denomination (Contraception History). Margaret Sanger set out on a mission to overcome first the church and then the state in order to “stop bringing to birth children whose inheritance cannot be one of health or intelligence,” (Planned Parenthood) and to impact women’s sexual freedom.
The common misconception about Planned Parenthood primary does abortions but that is simply not true. According to the reports from Planned Parenthood of America only three of all Planned Parenthood health services are abortions and not every Planned Parenthood clinic provides abortion services (Planned Parenthood Federation of America). A recent Pew Research Center poll recorded that two-thirds of voters under thirty believe that abortion should be legal in most or all cases (Laguen 2). This poses a bigger question, should the government be able to govern over women’s
The debate of abortion continues to be a controversial problem in society and has been around for many decades. According to Jone Lewis, “In the United States, abortion laws began to appear in the 1820’s, forbidding abortion after the fourth month of pregnancy” (1). This indicates that the abortion controversy has been debated far back into American history. Beginning in the 1900’s, legalized abortion became a major controversy. In 1965, all fifty states in the United States banned abortion; however, that was only the beginning of the controversy that still rages today (Lewis 1). After abortion was officially banned in the United States, groups such as the National Abortion Rights Action League worked hard on a plan to once again legalize abortion in the United States (Lewis 1). It wasn’t until 1970 when the case of Roe (for abortion) v. Wade (against abortion) was brought...
People, including children, are still being forced to work to death, innocent civilians are still suffering the consequences of war, and families are struggling to stay firm together. Despite the efforts of the people, IGOs, and NGOs, in the year 2100, human rights abuse will not end. All around the world people and countries are continuing the efforts to end Human Rights Violations. Human rights violations are a big problem in the world today.
We all know that Planned Parenthood is a charitable association that researches into and gives guidance on contraception, family arranging, and regenerative issues. However, society and especially the American people need to realize what Planned Parenthood does to the unborn children. Some think funding Planned Parenthood is a good idea without looking at the affects that is will cause and then there are others that see likewise and want to defund Planned Parenthood. When arguing the point on defunding Planned Parenthood the liberals and conservatives has two different perspective and argumentative points which both goes a long way trying to get society to understand both their views. However, both sides feel that their perspective of defunding
I was interviewed last June by Eric Zorn, a columnist from the Chicago Tribune. Mr. Zorn's "thesis," as he explained it to me, was this: if any partial birth abortions were being performed for truly "elective" reasons, for reasons the public would consider nonserious, as the pro-life movement was claiming, the movement should produce the mothers involved. I explained at some length that it wasn't "the movement" claiming that the majority of these procedures were "elective", this fact was asserted by the partial-birth abortion providers themselves. I sent Zorn Dr. Haskell's statements as quoted in the American Medical News. I also sent the charts Dr. McMahon had provided to the Subcommittee on the Constitution in which he had detailed the rationales for abortions he had performed. These documents showed the elective nature of the majority of these procedures -- and in the words of the abortionists themselves. I asked Zorn to reconsider his own logic: aren't patient records confidential and in the possession of the abortion providers themselves, I asked? And if you were a woman who had your healthy child aborted would you be eager to go public? Nothing, however, could shake Mr. Zorn's tenacious grip on his thesis. He ended up writing- "That explanation won't do. If these once callous, cruel, selfish women who drive this national debate truly exist, let's hear from ." (June 6, 1996). In a follow-up column, he wrote: "Well, there are late-term abortions, there are "partial-birth" abortions and there are abortions performed for non-medical or elective reasons. We find very little overlap ... because later-term abortions are very rare and almost always performed for serious medical reasons. . .." (June 13, 1996).
Planned Parenthood services are about 80 percent of their clients receive health services to prevent unintended pregnancy. Along with that, according to Planned Parenthood official website, 42% of their services prevent and deal with STDs/ STIs and 34% in contraception education and resources. Another 20% of the services are to provide pap tests to screen for cervical cancer and breast exams to detect breast cancer, and education to young people and adults through programs and outreach. Although Planned Parenthood health services do include the option for abortion only 3% of their overall amount of services are abortion
Abortion is a one of the most controversial issues in this country, and those who aren’t in favor, or pro-life, think that is morally wrong, and because of that reason they believe that the government should no longer fund Planned Parenthood. Those who oppose Planned Parenthood argue that their tax dollars are paying for these abortions by the organization by the government funding them and they claim that isn’t right. Another reason would be that abortion is the main service they profit from and focus on, and because of that they should be defunded. Others argue that even though funding does not directly go to abortion services provided by Planned Parenthood, that it frees up money from other services to be directed to abortions (Rovner). There has been progress for these groups, for they have lobbied state and national government, which has, lead some legislators to propose legislation that reduces or expelling funding in certain states. Amongst these states that have been affected are Tennessee, Indiana, Wisconsin, New Jersey, Texas, Kansas, and North Carolina (Keen). The state most affected was Texas, as Planned Parenthood was defunded completely, and 47 billion dollars were cut the organization (Keyes). Many groups also have pulled funding from Planned Parenthood, as a result of the controversy with the controversy of their abortion services. Many seem to believe that
Planned Parenthood provides much important health care to women in the United States. Therefore the Government (State and Federal) should continue to fund the organization. PPFA (Planned Parenthood Federation of America) provides a high variety of service at affordable pricing to women, men, and teenagers. Planned Parenthood has been categorized by some government representatives as an organization that misspend funds as well as some religious systems that oppose abortion. PPFA have also supply communities with guidance, health services, abortion services as well as referrals for adoption.
Charles Krauthammer affectively appeals to pathos by with examples of how Planned Parent Hood speaks about the fetuses they abort and using their organs for sale or research. Krauthammer really grabs our emotions when he explains how a Planned Parenthood official discussed selling fetus organs over lunch in a “cold” and “jocular” way. Saying how her remarks “lacked compassion” (paragraph 2 Krauthammer). The official said she wanted to make enough money off the unborn child’s organs to buy a Lamborghini and laughed. Krauthammer also brings to attention how another Planned Parenthood official explained how to use “a less crunchy technique” to spare as many organs as possible
The aftermath of Roe vs. Wade, when Jane Roe successfully had abortion legalized in various places, many abortion clinics all over the country sprung up. Clinics like Planned Parenthood and NARAL “sought to give the right meaning by ensuring both the newly legal abortion would be accessible and that women seeking abortions would not be victimized by inflated prices or untrained doctors performing unsafe office abortions” (Tribe 142). There are many reasons women seek abortion. Many pro-choice people say that a rape victim should not have to give birth to her attacker’s child, and to do so is attacking ...
Planned Parenthood is a trusted health care provider, an informed educator, a passionate advocate, and a global partner helping similar organizations around the world. Planned Parenthood delivers “vital reproductive health care, sex education, and information to millions of women, men, and young people worldwide” (Planned Parenthood). The funding that the Trump Administration took away from did not stop them from their cause. Planned Parenthood is the number one organization that supports this topic, partnering with them will help me propose my claim. “ Whether talking with members of Congress, parents, or faith leaders, or arguing cases before the U.S. Supreme Court, we fight for commonsense policies that promote women's health, allow individuals to prevent unintended pregnancies through access to affordable contraception, and protect the health of young people by providing them with comprehensive sex education ” (Planned Parenthood). Getting a lot of supporters for this issue of convincing pro-life that they are wrong with the evidence-based material will provide many more
2013 “The ‘hospital admitting privileges’ fraud” 6 november. http://www.dailykos.com/story/2013/11/06/1253661/-The-hospital-admitting-privileges-fraud (DATE) Lohr, Kathy. 2013. “Clinics Close As Texas Abortion Fight Continues” 25 October. http://www.npr.org/2013/10/25/240547579/clinics-close-as-texas-abortion-fight-continues (DATE) Dudley, Jonathan. 2012.”How Evangelicals Decided That Life Begins at Conception” 5 November.