Research can be very difficult to do if there is no blueprint to follow. However thanks to Leedy and Ormond (2010) we now have 8 characteristics that are the basis for our research but we have no tools. Tools are necessary for any task because they make the job easier to complete. The same applies to conducting research. We have the blueprint now we just need the right tools. Leedy and Ormrod (2010) list the general tools which include the human mind, the computer and its software, the library and its resources, statistics, measurement techniques and language. This paper will describe each task while placing emphasis on the most important to the least important tool. This paper will also discuss the methodology of each tool.
The tool that I deemed the most important is the human mind. The whole research process begins and ends with the human mind. One starts with a problem statement and then proceeds to solve it by using many of the other tools listed. The human mind proceeds to using many different methods in deciphering information in the research process. After the information is collected and statistics are used, the human mind interprets all the information that was gathered and puts it into to something that can be understood by others. The human mind makes all of the other tools possible.
The second most important tool in the research process is the computer and its software. The computer is an excellent resource for obtaining information. It provides access to a multitude of data from online journal articles to online libraries. It allows for easy data collection and organization. It also allows for real time international collaboration with others from the comforts of home. The methods for using the computer are also u...
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...r field. However, there may be times when the information that they need is written in another language. It may be necessary for one to know more than one language to be able to access the information. It is also important to be able to get the study published in the main language. Research that is unable to be understood do to a language barrier may be useless.
In conclusion, this paper looked at the six general tools of research and it also described the methods of how each could be used. These methods may act independent of each other or may work simultaneously with each other. However they may be used, they all act as necessary tools when executing the research process.
Works Cited
Leedy, P. D. & Ormrod, J. E. (2010). Practical research: Planning and design (9th ed.). Upper
Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education IncMerrill. ISBN: 0-13-715242-6
Rugg, G., & Petre, M. (2007). A gentle guide to research methods. Maidenhead: McGraw-Hill/Open University Press.
In response to the question set, I will go into detail of the study, consisting of the background, main hypotheses, as well the aims, procedure and results gathered from the study; explaining the four research methods chosen to investigate, furthering into the three methods actually tested.
Walliman, N. (2005) your research project: a step-by-step guide for the first-time researcher. 2nd ed. London: Sage Publications Ltd.
For everything that occurs, there will somehow be something that caused the action to happen. It is more of a cause and effect ideal or simple a reaction to an action. In terms of research academics, independent and dependent variables are concepts or attributes to certain things that occur such as drug use, crime, or domestic abuse. For example, stress or other personal problems may lead to someone to use drugs. Also, poverty may lead someone to commit crime. In addition, a power controlled individual may cause a partnership to suffer physical or verbal abuse.
The variety of methods and data collection within the research design provided the author with a greater ability to support her thesis.
Today the use of technology has become embedded into our daily lives. Most of western civilization has access to a piece of technology at any given point of time. In recent years, technology has started to play a significant role in the area of research. Quantitative research was quickly adapted and aided by technology due to the use of number variables, but the same was not true for qualitative research. In recent years, qualitative research was revolutionized by Qualitative Data Analysis (QDA) software. Although, QDA software has a great deal of positive aspect, there are drawbacks in the utilization.
The paper opens with review of literature related to the study and proceeds with research framework. Then it presents research methodology along with results. The paper consummate with discussions, conclusions and limitation.
The advances in technology have provided a number of ways to collect and interpret data in regards to scientific research. According to Cope (2014) using paper and pencil surveys is the tried and true method of collecting data; However, technology is quickly becoming a popular and at times a more efficient way to collect data. The use of technology allows interpreting data to become simpler, allows the researcher to reach a larger sample group and quicker compared
Planning or conducting a study requires research and a good design. “A good design, one in which the components work harmoniously together, promoting efficient and successful functioning; a flawed design leads to poor operation or failure” (Maxwell, 2013, p. 2). When conducting research, the research questions are the normal starting point. They are what drives the study and, therefore, the piece that controls the design which all other components must follow (Maxwell, 2013). With the research questions at the center of the design, unlike typical research models, the interactive model of research design is connected in such a way as to provide
Now within the rest of this paper you will be finding a few different things getting discussed. Staring it off we will be discussing the articles that we have found to make our arguments and hypotheses. After wrapping up the literature reviews we will be discussing the hypotheses thus continuing onto our variables and indicators. Once we discuss our hypotheses we will be moving onto the research design. The research design will have our general issues, sampling, and methods.
Conforming to (Creswell,2009) research method as a systematic inquiry aimed at providing information to solving a problem however for this research various research method was carried out namely qualitative, convenience sampling, triangulation, focus group, semi-structured interviews, and questionnaires QUALITATIVE RESEARCH Since the research involves the collection of data in natural settings and making sense of it an interpretive naturalistic and ethnographic approach to the world (Denzin and Lincoln,2005), which is logical would be used to develop insight into the needs of the student on how best to approach the research based on human experience. Qualitative research is a more compelling data gathering method than quantitative
Creswell, J. W. (2014). Research design: qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods approaches, 3rd Edition. Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications.
Research which is also known as the search for knowledge is an art of scientific search for specific information. According to Clifford Woody, the research includes defining and redefining problems, formulating hypothesis and suggested solutions, collecting, organising and evaluating data, making deductions and reaching conclusion and further testing whether the conclusion will fit into formulating hypothesis. Research Methodology is a scientific and systematic way of finding solution to a problem. In this research, researcher has studied various steps for research like problem along with the logic behind them. For this study, researcher must know various research techniques like mean, mode,
Striating from the research idea to the culmination of the findings, the research process entails many segments, all of which are imperative. By choosing the research methodology, the researchers can formulate the path to be used in conducting the study and reporting the findings. The methodology helps in the search of literature, development of research questions and the creation of the most suitable study design. It also assists in the interpretation of the results and the publication of the findings in journals.
To achieve the research objectives the process of research must be carried out by certain principles and to use appropriate methods. It is very important that the methods used to obtain the desired results, and this starts to clearly define the objectives and what we need to know, and also by choosing the methods and tools to help us and to ease the process. (Kumar, 2008)