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Strengths and weaknesses of qualitative research
Strengths and weaknesses of qualitative research
Strengths and weaknesses of qualitative research
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The essential focus of this two-phase sequential mixed methods study is to determine if a relationship exists between a generation category (Gen X, Gen Y, Gen Z, etc.) and the number of incidences of bullying in secondary education. The study was proposed as a result of a significant increase of bullying in the news, more importantly, due to the recent suicides that resulted directly from bullying. In the first phase, quantitative research questions will focus on the statistical analysis between each generation category and the number of incidences of bullying during their secondary education. Research will be conducted with 25 participants at various locations. In the second phase, qualitative interviews will be used to better understand if there is any correlation between generation and number of bullying incidences. Further research will be administered to 15 participants who experienced the most incidences of bullying at various locations. The reason for following up with qualitative research in the second phase is to collect any generational themes based on characteristics that may provide further understanding and relationship of generation category and the number of incidences of bullying.
A two-phase sequential explanatory strategy was used for the study. The two- phases are ordered in the sequence that was proposed as priority was placed on quantitative data collection and analysis. In the second phase, qualitative data was collected and used to refine the results of the quantitative data presented in the first phase.
What do you see as similarities and differences in the way the conclusions & interpretations sections are structured in these articles?
Quantitative research generates reliable population based data a...
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...mmon problems, including but not limited to; sample size, lack of available and/or reliable data, access of individuals, organizations, documents, language barriers, and resources. Any limitations that might influence the results should be mentioned, such disclosure will allow for new ideas in future research.
Creswell, J. W. (2014). Research design: qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods approaches, 3rd Edition. Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications.
Edwards, L. M., & Lopez, S. J. (2006). Perceived family support, acculturation, and life satisfaction in mexican american youth: a mixed-methods exploration. Journal of counseling phychology, 279-285.
Kearney, E. (2008). Journal of occupational and organizational phychology, 803-811.
Peek, L. (2005). Becoming muslim: the development of a religious identity. Sociology of religion, 215-242.
Bullying is a reoccurring epidemic in schools throughout the country. On March 23, 2016 12-year-old Evan Ziemniak committed suicide due to bullying. His grandmother stated, “his suicide was his response to cope with the pain (Salinger).” There are various ways to bully someone such as physically, verbally, and cyber bullying. When observing bullying we can use various sociological approaches such as structural functionalist approach, social conflict approach, and symbolic interactionalist approach.
Burns, Thomas J. "Islam." Religion and Society. OU Campus' Dale Hall, Norman. 14 Apr. 2014. Lecture.
Ayoob, M. (2007) The Many Faces of Political Islam: Religion and Politics in the Muslim
F. Hasan, Asma Gull (2000). American Muslims; The New Generation. New York. The Continuum International Publishing Group Inc.
The authors of this article have outlined the purpose, aims, and objectives of the study. It also provides the methods used which is quantitative approach to collect the data, the results, conclusion of the study. It is important that the author should present the essential components of the study in the abstract because the abstract may be the only section that is read by readers to decide if the study is useful or not or to continue reading (Coughlan, Cronin, and Ryan, 2007; Ingham-Broomfield, 2008 p.104; Stockhausen and Conrick, 2002; Nieswiadomy, 2008 p.380).
Creswell, J. W. (2009). Research design: Qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods approaches (3rd ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.
Marshall, C, Rossman, Gretchen B, (2006). Designing qualitative research, 4th edition, Thousand Oaks, California: Sage Publications.
In a CNN study by Chuck Hadad he states “That bullying is pervasive even though the schools have anti-bullying programs from kindergarten through 12th grade, assemblies throughout the year, and a peer-to-peer program where older students talk to younger students about the dangers of bullying” (Hadad). Robert Faris, a sociologist found that bullies and victims are generally the same person. Whe...
Now all of these articles have their own specific goals and information they are trying to find, but they all have two major things in common.
Bullying is a growing concern in a society where status and exercising power over another human being are increasingly important in developing one’s social circles. Dan Olweus (Norwegian researcher and founder of the Olweus Bullying Prevention Program) defines it as an “aggressive behaviour that is intentional and that involves an imbalance of power. Most often, it is repeated over time” (Violencepreventionworks.org). School victimization is an especially delicate matter that has only really been in the public eye for the past half century, as more and more researchers and psychologists pointed out its short- and long-term negative effects on targeted individuals. It has since been widely investigated and numerous programs have been developed in an effort to address and prevent the many forms of bullying that exist today. The negative effects of such an abusive behaviour are various and can greatly differ from individual to individual. However, there are three main consequences that can be associated with school bullying, which are: school avoidance, depression/anxiety and even suicidal attempts.
This essay intends to compare and contrast the strengths and weaknesses of the quantitative and qualitative approaches to research which addresses young people and bullying using two journal articles. The first article (quantitative) aims to “establish the relationship between recurrent peer victimisation and the onset of reported symptoms of anxiety or depression in the early teen years” (Bond et al. 2001, p. 480) while the second article (qualitative) aims to “investigate the nature of teenage girls’ indirect aggression” (Owens et al. 2000, p. 70).The two articles will be critically compared in terms of research design, methods used, approach to data analysis, reported results and the plausibility and appropriateness of the conclusions and recommendations posed. The aim of this essay is thus to evaluate and assess the methods of social science research currently undertaken in published research.
Anway, Carol L. “American Women Choosing Islam.” Muslims on the Americanization Path? Ed. Yvonne Yazbeck Haddad and John L. Esposito. Oxford, NY: Oxford University Press, 2000. 145-160.
Qualitative and Quantitative study designs both can be beneficial in research design. They both provide valuable options for researchers in the field. These techniques can either be used separately in a research study or they can be combined to achieve maximum information. This paper will define the terms qualitative and quantitative; describe the similarities and differences between each; discuss how qualitative and/or quantitative research designs or techniques could be used in the evaluation of my proposed research; and discuss why linking analysis to study design is important.
A category of strategies to prevent bullying in schools is identifying the causes of bullying. One factor that may cause bullying is the students’s family life. The lack of love or approval and involvement from the parents or overly permissive parenting where there is a lack of supervision or no rules may initiate bullying as the child may feel insecure. Another factor that may cause bullying is peer pressure. Friends who are aggressive and hav...
Bullying can also be considered as a major problem in the teenager bracket. This can occur in any social environment not just schools as mostly portrayed. Bullyi...