The Tipping Point Gladwell Summary

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According to Gladwell, “the tipping point is the moment of critical mass, the threshold, the boiling point". The book for the most part seeks to explain and describe the "mysterious" sociological changes that mark everyday life. As it is stated by Gladwell, "ideas and products and messages and behaviors spread like viruses do". When we critically think about the idea of viruses and how fast they spread, we can understand how powerful Gladwell’s statement really is. All it takes is a single person in the room to spread something as huge as an epidemic, the same in our everyday life, a simple small idea can be the starting point of a big trend. This of course takes place today in our everyday life and is supported by Gladwell’s examples. Coming …show more content…

He uses the representation of a sick individual in a crowded store and how one single individual can start an epidemic of the flu as well as can a small but precisely targeted push start a fashion trend or cause the popularity of a new restaurant to take off overnight, or cause crime or drug use to taper off. In The Tipping Point, Gladwell claims how very minor adjustments in products and ideas can make them more likely to become immensely popular. He reveals how easy it is to cause group behavior to tip in a desired direction by making small changes in the immediate environment. When we apply the idea of tipping point in soccer, goal line technology definitely seems on the verge of "tipping”. The reason behind the emergence of the idea of goal line technology was the outcome of several games played in previous world cups that would have definitely had a different final score if such small mistakes would not have been made. The idea of goal line technology has been suggested in order to terminate the mistakes made by the referees in the past and accurately determine if goals have been made or not. The initiation of technology to determine more clearly if the goals are valid or not can definitely become immensely popular and perhaps attract more fans to watch the games because they will not be disappointed with the unfortunate results caused by minor

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