Summary Of Malcolm Gladwell's Thresholds Of Violence

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Malcolm Gladwell wrote Thresholds of Violence in his article the school shooters are mental illness, anxiety, depression, evil psychos, and unstable. Most of the schooled shooter wanted revenge when they kill people in their school. The police call school shooters ‘Really Mentally Ill.’ Gladwell said the school shooters are actors who laid out their script for riot shootings in their schools. Most school shooters are schizophrenia or the psychopath is who suffer from the mental disorder or bipolar disorder. The psychologists are saying that most of the mental disorder is an autism-spectrum disorder known as Asperger syndrome. The Asperger syndrome is where a person who has hard times communicates with other people and people called them the …show more content…

It was on television every night, newspapers, and on the Internet. Everyone remembered the Combine High School massacre because they heard the tragedy and saw the news students that got killed by the shooters. People are talking about the Combine High School massacre event with each other. Harris wanted to leave his last impression of the world of his revolution or rebellion in his school. The problem was Harris was a straight A student. The first influence of the media is why more shooting in schools in the US is because of the copycat shooters see in the newspaper, televisions, and the Internet. The second influences are the violence in the video games, violence in movies or television. Harris said that it isn’t the gun, but it is about the television, fame and their revolution almost like the terrorist attack that wants to let people be afraid of them. The terrorists had to use violence and media coverage to advertise the political or religious believe. The school shooters also use violence and media coverage to advertise their resentment and worship from other people to follow their footsteps. Gladwell said that the Sociologist named Mark

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