The Theme Of Racism In John Carson's Gifted Hands

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The text Gifted Hands deals with the premises of racism, achievement, and perseverance. However, racism is the most predominant theme. In order to give his readers a better understanding of his text, Carson presents what it is like to face racism and how it can affect us as individuals. Ben introduces his life and his understanding of growing up with this theme, how it put conflicts into his life and where he stands to this day as an adult. That said there are also a lot of aspects and points in this biography that show a different side of society and what countless people don’t grasp.

In this biography, the theme of racism is first introduced during chapter four. In this chapter Ben provided three occasions where he faced racism and conflicts, this presented a much larger understanding of his life and what he had to face as a child and teenager. In …show more content…

In chapter four Carson demonstrates one tactic he used by changing his train route to school to stay away from the ‘predators’ causing the ruckus of racial slurs. As said in the book ‘From then on I never hopped on another train, and I never saw the gang again’. From this, we learn that we should choose wisely, don’t let people’s words get to your heart. It emphasizes that we need to learn to ignore the worst of things. With this in mind, people are brought up into a world filled with racism, this is something that we are unable to control or stop with a simple conversation. In other words, racial prejudice is like a growing weed, it won’t stop growing unless you control it yourself; we as individuals can’t control a person and how they act. Our atmosphere is bursting with detestation and violence, racism being one of the big issues within them. Gifted Hands dives us into a world full of racism, it shows us and presents it to give us a deeper

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