The Teaching Cycle and the Associated Responsibilities and Roles of the Teacher

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There are many articles and books that refer to the teaching cycle and the associated roles and responsibilities of the teacher, most articles refer to either a four or five stage cycle. In this assignment I will cover the five stage cycle and concentrate on my role and responsibilities as a teacher in the lifelong learning sector. Wilson 2009 states that the teacher cycle should be a structured process, so it is split into five sections placing the teacher roles and responsibility into various groups. The cycle can begin at any given point and is designed to show improvement. These five stages consist of, 1. Identifying needs 2. Planning learning and design 3. Delivery 4. Assessments 5. Evaluation Identifying needs In my role as a teacher I need to identify the needs of my students. They are individual to each student and are often referred to as S.P.I.C.E. Which stands for social, physical, intellectual, cultural and emotional needs. Students may have needs surrounding funding restraints, cultural issues, they may have a physical disability or may need visual/audio support , inevitably they will almost all have different learning styles in which case I will need to adapt my teaching approaches in order to promote equality and valuing diversity. I should also be aware that I should maintain confidentiality whilst giving advice and guidance to any student with special needs Morris 2007 states that it is crucial to find a balance between professionalism and personal friendship. Gravels 2012 agrees when she says,”there are professional boundaries in the workplace and it is important not to overstep these,” Once I have identified a students needs I can then assess if I can meet those needs or if I need to refer the student to oth... ... middle of paper ... ...class members. This can be done simply by having a pleasant, structured environment, setting boundaries between teacher and student and taking charge of the classroom without being too strict or setting our expectations too high. We need to use icebreakers and have plenty of rest breaks within the lesson. Humour can play a good part in the classroom and used well can be a useful tool, it can diffuse a potentially explosive situation and make the lesson more enjoyable. As a teacher we need to be in control and lead by example remaining fair, treating each student alike, remain professional and demonstrate respect even when we come across difficult students. In conclusion a happy content student usually means that they will be a good learner with respect for the teacher and other students alike. References; Wilson 2009, Morris 2007, Gravels 2012 , Glaserfeld 1996:7

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